The Disability Equality Action Partnership (DEAP) is chaired by Councillor Thomas and meets three times a year. The group is not open to the public and representatives of various groups are invited by the Chair to attend.

Each year the Partnership is reassessed to ensure that new people are invited that represent persons with disability within a diverse cross section of Coventry residents, charities/voluntary organisations and service users who meet to work together as an effective, proactive action partnership. The group deals with different issues at every meeting as well as providing updated information on ongoing issues.

Purpose of the group and what it achieves

  • To inform and assist the Cabinet Member with responsibilities for equality in improving access for disabled people to Council services and employment opportunities.
  • To identify issues that are significant in order to meet the needs and aspirations of disabled people.
  • To provide feedback to the Cabinet Member with responsibilities for equality on key developments and policy proposals
  • To harness the skills, knowledge and abilities of panel members to strengthen working together to identify and resolve issues.
  • To provide a conduit for collating and disseminating key messages to disabled people
  • To ensure young disabled people and other disability forums are working collaboratively with the panel
  • To identify key areas where services and partner agencies could deliver improvements
  • Representatives from different groups input into the panel
  • Officers are able to utilise this group for input and feedback in service delivery e.g. Shared spaces

Coventry Transport Charter for people with disabilities

The Transport Charter sets out a range of commitments designed to improve and aid the experience of people with disabilities (hidden and visible) using public transport in Coventry.

It brings together regional partners, transport operators and local people so that we can work together to deliver a fully accessible public transport service that people with disabilities and additional requirements can use with confidence.


  1. Promote the public transport system as fully inclusive for people of all abilities
  2. Ensure better implementation of priority seating policies
  3. Improve public transport system vehicle design to improve access for all
  4. Improve communication on real-time service changes at Coventry bus interchanges
  5. Explore allocation of electric buses to more bus routes in the polluted hot spots in Coventry
  6. Support the expansion in electric bus capacity
  7. Develop a system of volunteer transport buddies in the city
  8. Advertise more widely the availability of permit provision for scooters on public transport
  9. To continue to work with taxi drivers and companies to ensure the highest possible standards of service by them to people with disabilities and additional needs
  10. To continue dialogue with train companies to improve accessibility for wheelchair passengers 

Coventry Sports and Leisure for people with disabilities

This Sports & Leisure Charter sets out a range of commitments designed to improve the experience and opportunities for people with disabilities and their families in Coventry to access sporting and leisure activities in the city. 

As part of Coventry City Council’s One Coventry approach, we recognise that all members of society must have equal access to sport and leisure in our city.  We are therefore committed to working with community groups, partners and Council services to make this a reality.


  1. To review the provision of accessible play equipment in key parks / play areas in the city, in order to improve inclusive play opportunities for children and young people. 
  2. Ensure the installation and promotion of Changing Places Toilets at strategic public sports facilities, parks, and leisure venues in the city. 
  3. Improve the access to sports and leisure venues in the city through continued work with the West Midlands Combined Authority and other stakeholders across the region. 
  4. Undertake equality impact assessments of major sporting and leisure events in the city in order to improve inclusivity for people with disabilities. 
  5. Ensure targeted communication and marketing through Go CV to people with disabilities and their families in order to increase their participation in sporting and leisure events in the city. 
  6. Work with partners and providers to ensure the availability of quality activities for disabled people is increased in the city, including the development of new activities that are locally driven.  
  7. Continue to provide a range of adult education courses in the city that are fully inclusive and meet the health and wellbeing needs of people with disabilities.  
  8. Ensure the provision of mixed ability activities where people who require adaptions can take part and enjoy the experience along with friends and families. 
  9. Provide a quiet safe space at strategic sport and leisure venues and events for people with neurodivergent conditions. 
  10. To increase the number of local public leisure facilities achieving Quest quality mark to support local people to receive the best experience.