Gender Pay Gap Report results 2021

The difference between mean and median


This is calculated by adding together the hourly rate for all employees and dividing by the total number of employees.  This is calculated separately for men and women employees.


This is calculated by arranging the hourly rate for all employees from highest to lowest and is calculated separately for men and women employees.  The median is the hourly rate that is in the middle.


Our results show that women earn £0.96 for every £1 that men earn when comparing median hourly wages.

Hourly wages
Measure 2021 2020
Median -2.28% 3.83%
Mean 1.40% 3.81%

Bonus pay

We do not operate any bonus schemes and therefore have a 0% difference between men and women.

Bonus pay
Measure 2021
Median 0
Mean 0

Pay quartiles

The proportion of male to female colleagues in each quartile pay band.
Gender Upper quartile Upper middle Lower middle Lower quartile
Female 67% 69% 68% 66%
Male 33% 31% 32% 34%