Schools: Making a funding claim after termly census

Funding claims for early years entitlements must be submitted to the Local Authority by the termly ‘Census day’.

Where children are not enrolled and attending by this date, they cannot usually access a funded entitlement place until the start of the next term.  However, exceptions to this rule will be permitted in strict accordance with the following criteria:

  • The child meets the eligibility criteria for the relevant funding entitlement being claimed,
  • where a funding code is required; parents applied for this within the set termly deadlines
  • the child was not included on the schools most recent census submission


  • the child has recently arrived in the Country.
  • the child has recently arrived in Coventry, having resided somewhere else in the UK and has not claimed a funded place elsewhere, in relation to the term that the claim is being made for
  • There are exceptional circumstances which need to be considered

What is the process called?

Post Census Claims

Who can make a post census claim?

This process is for use by all schools who deliver Early Education Entitlement funded places.

Who can make a post census claim?

This process is for use by schools, who deliver Early Education Entitlement funded places.

Making a post census claim for an eligible child.

All schools must seek approval from the Local Authority, in order to be able to add a child their funding claim if the termly census day has passed. 

To request approval, schools will need to complete the online application form.  Once we have received your request, you will be contacted by a member of the Early Years Business, Sufficiency and Funding team.  Where approval is granted, the school will be directed to add the child’s details to the Coventry Schools and Early Years Provider Portal, via an ‘amendment task’.  The amendment task is time limited and will only be open to those schools who have sought and been granted approval, to add a child after the termly census. 

If you have any queries relating to this process, please contact us at

Coventry Business, Sufficiency and Funding Team

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5451