Guidance to landlords: how to check an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen has the right to rent in the UK

a. Before 30 June 2021

Right to rent checks for EU, EEA and Swiss citizens continue in the same way as such as checking their passport or national identity card. For family members of EU, EEA or Swiss citizens, follow the usual guidance for documents you can accept for right to rent checks.

It’s against the law to ask EU, EEA or Swiss citizens to show that they have settled status or pre-settled status when starting a new tenancy before this date. You will not need to make retrospective checks for existing tenants from 2021.

Find out more about checking your tenant’s right to rent in the UK by visiting the GOV.UK website.

b. After 30 June 2021

Tenants can prove their right to rent in England and how long they can rent for online on the GOV.UK website.

Landlords can view a tenant’s right to rent in the UK online on the GOV.UK website. You will need their date of birth and ‘share code’. You can also check someone’s original documents instead (for example if they do not have a shared code).