Group of children

Our admission criteria

Coventry Extended Learning Centre is a pupil referral unit, supporting students in Key Stages 3 and 4. We do not directly admit pupils to our centres. Places at CELC are allocated by Coventry Local Authority.

Pupils join CELC via three main pathways:

  1. Permanent exclusion from a mainstream school
  2. Having failed two Supported Transfers from their host school to other mainstream schools (via the Supported Transfer Panel). On rare occasions, the Supported Transfer Panel may direct pupils to the CELC following one failed Supported Transfer, should there be a strong consensus from the panel that it would not be in a pupil’s best interests to attempt a second Supported Transfer at that point in time.
  3. Moving into Coventry from a Pupil Referral Unit elsewhere

Our exit criteria

Our students leave CELC for one of four reasons:

  1. Integrated into a mainstream school - once students are deemed ready to return to mainstream education they are enrolled onto a 6 week transition programme run by the LA Education Inclusion Team. Students are reintegrated via the Fair Access Protocol (FAP) panel.
  2. Integrated into a special school (EHCP).
  3. Enter Post 16 education, employment or training.
  4. Move out of Coventry local area and thus relocate to a new provision in another Local Authority.
Coventry Extended Learning Centre logo

Coventry ELC is a Pupil Referral Unit for Key Stage 3 & 4 pupils.


Our Extended Learning Centres