Implementation: Our structure and curriculum
Students’ attending CELC will join us having had very different experiences of education, with differing levels of engagement and varying curriculum offers. Those who are successful in being integrated into a new setting may experience yet another different curriculum. We have mixed ability classes of students, many of whom are not working at age related expectations. It is therefore important that our curriculum is flexible enough to enable us to engage all students and meet a wide range of needs and abilities.
A robust induction process ensures that as much relevant information as possible is gained from all stakeholders in order to inform the support each student receives. Each student who enters CELC will be assessed on entry. Students complete baseline assessments in Maths, English and Science, allowing staff to develop a curriculum offer that fills any gaps in prior learning and engage students with differentiated learning, whatever their starting point.
Provision is made within the school for all students with special educational needs and disabilities and those for whom English is an additional language.
Additional support is provided for students within the classroom. The student-focused provision, along with personalise pathways and differentiation, ensures that all students are stretched to meet their own potential.
Students continue to follow the requirements of the National Curriculum, whilst embarking on public examination courses leading to a range of qualifications (see below).
Our curriculum delivery is enhanced through the use of external specialists, including Northampton Saints (physical activity and personal development sessions - Saints in the Schools community programme) and Coventry Music Hub.
Our curriculum overview can be found in Appendix 1.
WRL / Vocational Courses
A broad range of courses is offered to students within KS4. All courses are accredited and are sourced through Coventry Local Authority’s Work Related Learning Team.
The current offer includes the following options:
- Sports Leadership
- Construction
- Car Mechanics
- Motorbike Safety and Maintenance
- Gaming Design
- Music
- Health and Social Care
- Boxing
- Animal Care
- Public Services
In addition to the offsite provision there is a purpose built Hair and Beauty facility at the Link site offering accredited courses in this area. The onsite vocational offer will be enhanced when the redevelopment of the Link site is completed in 2022. This will allow onsite courses to include construction, music, vehicle maintenance and sport/fitness.
Qualifications and Awards
Academic Qualifications
CELC seeks to provide qualifications at a range of levels, so that students experience success and gain confidence by securing early achievements to build upon.
KS4 students are entered for Functional Skills tests in English and / or Maths when they are ready.
The Unit Award Scheme (UAS) is a unique recording of achievement scheme, rather than a qualification. It offers learners the opportunity to have their achievements formally recognised with a certificate each time a short unit of learning is successfully completed.
- AQA Unit Award
- Edexcel Functional Skills L1 and L2 at KS4
- GCSE in Year 11
Vocational Qualifications
CELC offers a range of vocational qualifications through on-site and off-site Work Related Learning courses. Students experience success and gain confidence by securing early achievements which can progress to higher level qualifications for those who are able and are with us for long enough.
- The Learning Machine
- Sports Leader SLQ