Coventry Extended Learning Centre offers a wide variety of accredited work-related learning opportunities delivered by providers throughout the City. Currently, Coventry ELC has onsite provision for hair and beauty and horticulture. These are based on The Link site and consist of a purpose built hair salon and an outdoor horticulture area. During the next academic year, the onsite WRL offer at The Link will be further developed to include a broader range of onsite courses.
All courses are accessed through the Local Authority Coventry Alternative Provision team. This enables students to have a broad range of options available. The vast majority of students accessing these courses are in years 10 and 11. Whilst it is possible for some students in year 9 to access the courses it is rare for this to happen.
The Work Related Learning offered to a student is based on individual needs, interests and career ambitions. During student induction meetings, WRL is discussed and the availability of the courses is shared. Discussions will focus on individual interests, academic ability, potential career choices and any previous WRL courses attended. Students, parents/carers and staff are all involved in these discussions and the most appropriate options are identified. Following this, the application forms and risk assessments are completed and, in most cases, students are offered their first choice. An accompanied visit to the provider then follows and students commence their course at the earliest opportunity. Work Related Learning is offered to students in 10B (Wednesday and Thursday) and 11B (Monday and Tuesday).
In addition to the offers, Coventry ELC also offers some its students a bespoke package of WRL. The reasons for this can be varied and the decision is always taken with the best needs of the student in mind.
The pathways are not fixed and it is possible for students to change their pathway based on levels of engagement, changing personal circumstances and needs.
All WRL is closely monitored. In the first instance, all programmes have to pass a rigorous Quality Assurance Process set by the LA WRL team. This includes developing and reviewing policies and processes for offsite learning regularly. Ensuring providers meet the Coventry Quality Framework and work to a Citywide Partnership Agreement. All providers have a central recording system for attendance, progress and general information. Each of the Centres within Coventry ELC monitor this on a daily basis and information is shared with Senior Leaders, Pastoral managers and individual student key workers. This enables information to be shared with parents/carers and review individual WRL programmes when required.
Full details of all the Work-Related Learning opportunities.