- Census 2021 interactive data maps [https://www.ons.gov.uk/census/maps?lad=E08000026] (Office for National Statistics)
- How the population changed in Coventry - Census 2021 [https://www.ons.gov.uk/visualisations/censuspopulationchange/E08000026/] (Office for National Statistics)
- How life has changed in Coventry - Census 2021 [https://www.ons.gov.uk/visualisations/censusareachanges/E08000026/] (Office for National Statistics)
- Census 2021 - population profile by Coventry wards [https://reports.esd.org.uk/reports/shared?encryptedId=4996C1AD947D2DADAF32F5CC5DF197388E938AE0CCDC70434F64986E8B21DAE51003B4473CC9B539FEDCA963D6E96D3F04330848640840904A30CAB933748548] (LGInform)
- Analysis of population estimates tool for UK (Office for National Statistics) [https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/datasets/analysisofpopulationestimatestoolforuk]
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street
Population by LSOA 2020 mid-year estimates
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street
Ethnicity and religion
According to the Census 2021, the majority, 55.3%, of Coventry's total population is White British, which includes English, Welsh, Scottish, and Northern Irish. This is notably lower than West Midlands region's figures (71.8%) and national figures (73.5%) and it shows the proportion of Coventry's population who are of White British ethnicity has fallen in the 10 years since the last Census in 2011, when it was 66.6%. It means that Coventry's population is made up of a notably higher percentage of people from ethnic minority groups compared to the national average. The second largest broad ethnic group in Coventry is Asian/Asian British (18.5%), followed by White Other, which includes White Irish, White Gypsy or Irish Traveller, White Roma and White Other White (10.2%).
Percentage of usual residents by ethnicity by ward (based on Census 2021)
Percentage of usual residents who are White by ward (based on Census 2021)
Percentage of usual residents who are White by MSOA (based on Census 2021)
Percentage of usual residents who are White by LSOA (based on Census 2011)
The Census 2021 shows that 43.9% of Coventry's population are Christian. The second largest group, at 29.6%, identifies as having no religion. Muslims form the third largest group at 10.4%.
Percentage of population by religion by ward (based on Census 2021)
Percentage of population who are Christian by ward (based on Census 2021)
Percentage of population who are Christian by MSOA (based on Census 2021)
Percentage of population who are Christian by LSOA (based on Census 2021)
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street
Census 2021
- Census 2021 - interactive data maps [https://www.ons.gov.uk/census/maps?lad=E08000026] (Office for National Statistics)
- Census 2021 - How the population changed in Coventry [https://www.ons.gov.uk/visualisations/censuspopulationchange/E08000026/] (Office for National Statistics)
- Census 2021 - How life has changed in Coventry [https://www.ons.gov.uk/visualisations/censusareachanges/E08000026/] (Office for National Statistics)
- Census 2021 - population profile by Coventry wards [https://reports.esd.org.uk/reports/shared?encryptedId=4996C1AD947D2DADAF32F5CC5DF197388E938AE0CCDC70434F64986E8B21DAE51003B4473CC9B539FEDCA963D6E96D3F04330848640840904A30CAB933748548] (LGInform)
- Census 2021 - build a custom area profile [https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/articles/buildacustomareaprofile/2023-01-17] (Office for National Statistics)
- Census 2021 - Coventry area profile [https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/sources/census_2021/report?compare=E08000026](Nomis)
- Census 2021 - create a custom dataset [https://www.ons.gov.uk/datasets/create] (Office for National Statistics)
- Neighbourhood data profiles [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7656/neighbourhood-data-profiles]
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street