One Minute Guide to Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

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The Coventry Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).

If you have concerns about a child or young person, contact the:            

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub: 024 7678 8555.


If a child is in immediate danger call 999.

What is MASH?

The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) brings together key professionals/partner agencies, comprising of West Midlands Police (WMP), Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership Tryst (CWPT), Education, Community Safety, Probation and Children’s Services.

The MASH will operate and look to ensure:

  • Children are better protected from harm and risk is minimised.
  • Safeguarding concerns about vulnerable children and young people are dealt with faster and in a more co-ordinated and consistent manner.
  • An improved ‘journey’ for the child with greater emphasis on early intervention and the provision of appropriate services at the right time.

By working in this way, support can be targeted on the most urgent cases so that vulnerable children and young people are protected from harm more effectively.

What happens next?

When a referral is made, information is shared and collated within the MASH, this builds a picture so the level of risk can be understood and will inform what needs to happen next, and as a result, better decisions are made about what action to take and what support is needed.

If a referral does meet the threshold for Social Care involvement, as the child or young person is thought to have been harmed or could be harmed in the future, they will be referred to Coventry City Council’s local area team for further assessment.

If the child or young person has not been harmed but we think they or their parent/carer would benefit from extra help, then their details will be passed onto the most appropriate service so that they receive the support they need.

Why is it important?

Safeguarding the children and young people of Coventry is everyone’s business.

It is important that children, young people, and families are safe and to achieve this we need to work together and ensure services are involved at the right time, so the right support can be provided.