Conservation area policy
Our policies on conservation areas are set out in the Coventry Development Plan. Our aim is to preserve significant buildings in conservation areas and to make sure that any development protects or improves the special character of those areas. We have powers under planning law, which can help us do this.
These include powers to:
- Control new development - We ask for a very high standard of design, which is sympathetic to the existing environment. New development must make a positive contribution to the character of the area.
- Control minor development - In a conservation area you need planning permission for certain changes to buildings, which would normally be allowed under permitted development rights. You should always ask advice from a Conservation Officer when thinking of alterations or extensions.
- Control demolition - Conservation area consent is needed for the demolition of all or part of most buildings and structures, including walls and outhouses. As a general rule, buildings that make a positive contribution to the character or appearance of a conservation area, will be kept.
- Protect trees - Anyone planning to cut down, reduce the height or canopy of a tree over a certain size in a conservation area, whether or not it is covered by a tree preservation order, has to give six weeks' notice.
- Control advertisements - Special restrictions apply to the display of adverts in conservation areas.
- Control of satellite dishes - Special restrictions apply to putting up satellite dishes in conservation areas.
- Carry out urgent work - We have the power to carry out urgent work needed to preserve any vacant building that has fallen into serious disrepair, and to recover the cost from the owner.
We also have guidance for shop fronts and advertisements in conservation areas.
Address: PO Box 15Council House
Earl Street