Coventry Historic Environment Record - What is it?

The Coventry Historic Environment Record (HER) consists of a publicly accessible database, mapping and supporting documents that contain information about all known archaeological sites, historic buildings, historic landscapes and findspots in Coventry, dating from the earliest prehistoric times through to the 21st century.
The HER also holds information about Coventry's Scheduled Monuments and Listed Buildings (nationally important sites, structures and buildings that are protected by law), as well as Locally Listed Buildings and Conservation areas.
Many different sources of information are used to update the HER, including: historic maps, unpublished documents, aerial photographs, archaeological fieldwork reports, published books and published research. These sources are an important part of the HER and are available and can be viewed at the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum archives.
Furthermore, the HER contains historic landscape data, based on historic documents (such as estate maps, tithe maps and apportionment documents). These show how the landscape of Coventry looked at various times in the past.
The HER is used to inform strategic and local policies for conserving the historic environment, as well as providing the information base for recommendations made by archaeologists in response to planning applications and other proposals.
Historic Environment Record Officer
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097