Heritage plaques are a sign installed to commemorate a link between that location and a famous person or event, serving as a historical marker.

There are currently over 100 plaques in place, installed by a variety of organisations, including Coventry City Council. They are not always blue and not always round but hold significance to the City. Two new heritage plaques have been endorsed by the Council through the 2022-23 process for Coventrians 1. Alice Arnold and 2. Arthur Hurt, which will be unveiled later this year.

Should you have any further information regarding heritage plaques in the city, please contact conservation@coventry.gov.uk.

Nominate a Heritage Plaque

Coventry is a richly diverse place where people from different communities come together to support each other and celebrate culture. As such, Coventry should have the opportunity to commemorate the people, places and events that enrich our city.

The introduction of the Heritage Plaque scheme aims to strengthen the links between the various people, places and events around Coventry and encourage the sharing of ideas, experiences and principles.

The scheme focuses on plaques which are proposed to be installed on buildings in the city, where their addition can contribute to the understanding of an individual’s association to places in our city.


The procedure begins by raising a suggestion. The application will then be tested against the following criteria.

Valid nominations will be taken to an annual public poll, with up to five nominations creating a shortlist. Should applications exceed this number applicants will be encouraged to re-apply the following year.

Following the poll, the nomination will be accompanied by a recommendation report compiled by heritage specialists within the council and presented to a decision-making panel. This panel will then approve up to two nominations per year for the Council to support.


  • The person being nominated must have been dead for at least 20 years.
  • The nominated person will have made a significant contribution to public life, be a local or nationally notable person and/or be remembered in history. 
  • The connection with the City of Coventry needs to be clearly evidenced. 
  • The proposal must demonstrate it has public support outside of the immediate nominator - public representation may be promoted through online public voting.


  • A historical event of importance occurred there, or 
  • The building or site had an important historical significance that is not obvious from its present appearance, use or any existing commemoration.
  • The proposal must demonstrate it has public support outside of the immediate nominator - public representation may be promoted through online public voting.
  • The location of plaques must be authentic, relevant and accessible. An appropriate location for the plaque should be identified. This should be visually from a public road or street without needing to enter any private property (it will be necessary for applicants to get the agreement of the building owner for a plaque to be installed on their building).
  • Sites for displaying plaques must be in good condition. 
  • The proposal must contribute to the ambition for an interesting and varied scheme that considers representation and diversity.


  • A single person may not be commemorated with more than one plaque.
  • A maximum of two plaques per year will receive contributions from the City Council to support the manufacture of successful nominations.

Voting and decision-making process

  • The application process will run each year, with public votes and decision-making taking place during the months of January and February, outcomes will then be announced during the month of March.
  • The public voting will inform a shortlist of five applications for consideration.
  • A panel will conclude which two applications from the shortlist to receive Coventry City Council support to their creation, and further guide steps for installation. 
  • Any unsuccessful nominations will be contacted and advised of reasons for the decision and opportunities for future applications. 


Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street