Tree Preservation Orders are used to protect trees which improve the quality of our local area, they can be placed on any suitable tree, including trees on private land, public land and in rear gardens. They can cover single trees, groups of trees or areas of trees or woodlands - but not hedges or shrubs.

Government guidance: Tree Preservation Orders

Please use our Tree works application guidance as a starting point for considering works to trees.

Protected trees

Coventry has made over 500 Tree Preservation Orders. Orders have been placed on approximately 2,067 Individual trees, 427 Groups of trees, 36 Woodlands and 11 Area classifications. The average Order contains about 10 trees, so approximately 5,000 trees are protected within the City.


If you deliberately destroy a protected tree, or damage it in a manner likely to destroy it, you could be liable to fines up to £20,000 plus a criminal record. You could also be fined if you cause or allow such work. Other offences can lead to unlimited fines or imprisonment.

Tree Preservation Officer

Address: Coventry City Council
PO Box 7097

Telephone: 024 7697 2219