The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 requires certain industrial installations to obtain an environmental permit before they are allowed to operate.

The Regulations cover a diverse range of industrial processes from dry cleaners and petrol stations to metal foundries. Some processes require a permit by definition, whilst others only need a permit if they exceed certain specified thresholds such as solvent consumption or capacity.

The list of industrial activities covered by the Environmental Permitting regime is listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the Regulations. This list is split into three categories - Part A (1), Part A (2) and Part B.

The Environment Agency regulates Part A (1) processes which are considered to be the most polluting activities and all emissions are covered by the permit.

Local Authorities are responsible for regulating Part A (2) for multi media emissions and Part B activities for emissions to air only.

Permit conditions are set according to the 'Best Available Technique' (BAT) and the guidance note for each process.

Permit conditions set out emission limits and other abatement techniques such as maintenance and appropriate staff training.

Environmental Protection

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Earl Street