The Council has a Cabinet of 10 councillors who have their own areas of responsibility and make most of the Council’s decisions.

Other councillors sit on Scrutiny Boards which keep a check on the decisions and how they are made.

But this is just one part of our scrutiny work. Scrutiny Boards can also:

  • Play a part in developing Council policy
  • review Council services
  • make sure the Council is acting efficiently and effectively
  • hold reviews of public bodies – not the Council – especially for health and crime and disorder matters and carry out work with partners during the reviews

Scrutiny is designed to increase transparency at the Council and enable decisions and policy to be challenged. Scrutiny publishes an Annual Report to Council every year detailing some of the work the Boards have done over the previous year. Read the most recent annual report []

Papers are available to view [] and anyone is welcome to attend the meetings (unless an item is exempt under certain reasons). Scrutiny works better if you get involved – why not suggest a topic for scrutiny [/suggestscrutinytopic], give evidence at a meeting or host a site visit.

Scrutiny Team

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5511 [tel:02476975511]

Get involved with scrutiny

There are many ways that you can get involved with scrutiny in Coventry.

Attending a Scrutiny meeting

You can go to any public Scrutiny meeting. You'll find all the agendas, minutes and papers for meetings on our website []. The papers for the next Board are usually available five days before the meeting.

Suggesting a topic for scrutiny

The Boards write a work plan at the beginning of every Council year (1 May), which are chosen to make sure they look at the major issues.

We are always keen to hear from you about things you think should be improved in the city. If there is something you think should be considered for the work programme, please get in touch.

The scrutiny work is meant to be make sure everyone can see the Council is acting properly. Papers are available to view [] and anyone is welcome to attend the meetings (unless an item is exempt under certain reasons). Scrutiny works better if you get involved – why not suggest a topic for scrutiny [], give evidence at a meeting or host a site visit.

Follow us @covscrutiny [] where we share the topics to consider at scrutiny meetings.

Speaking at meetings

If you wish to speak at a meeting, please contact the Scrutiny Co-ordinator for that meeting who will talk to the Chair.

Scrutiny Team

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5511 [tel:02476975511]

Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee

Councillor Gavin Lloyd [], Chair of the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee.

Councillor Dr Lynnette Kelly – Coventry City Council [], [] Deputy Chair of Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee

The Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee, or SCRUCO as it is sometimes known, includes all the Scrutiny Board Chairs as members and has a number of roles: 

  • It oversees the work of all the Scrutiny Boards, to make sure nothing is missed and that boards are not doing the same work
  • It looks into issues around the Council Leader's work, which includes the Local Enterprise Partnership, Marmot City and Corporate Plan.
  • Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee also looks at the Deputy Leader's portfolio which covers Community Safety, Public Protection and Equalities.
  • It considers issues which cut across more than one area of the Council's work.
  • It considers "call-ins"- where councillors challenge decisions made by the Cabinet/individual Cabinet Members.
  • The Board is the Council's Crime and Disorder Committee and can call in agencies like the Police, Fire and Probation services, for scrutiny too

Dates, times and location of meetings as well as details of the Board's membership and work programme for Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee [].

Scrutiny Team

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5511 [tel:02476975511]

Finance and Corporate Services Scrutiny Board (1)

Abdul Jobbar – Coventry City Council [], Chair.

This Scrutiny Board looks into internal Council matters, such as how we use our resources; Medium Term Financial Strategy; and Council services like Human Resources and IT.

The Board also looks at the Council's Transformation Programme, which is aimed at providing better services to the people of Coventry and making sure we are providing value for money and are able to meet the challenges ahead.

Dates, times and location of meetings as well as details of the Board's membership and work programme for Finance and Corporate Services Scrutiny Board (1) [].

An up-to-date work programme can be found with the agenda for the most recent meeting. The work programme is usually the last item on the list.

Scrutiny Team

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5511 [tel:02476975511]

Education and Children's Services Scrutiny Board (2)

Councillor Christine Thomas [], Chair.

This Scrutiny Board has a wide responsibility which covers the service provided by the City Council and its partners to children and young people, including education and social care. The Board is also responsible for scrutinising adult, higher and further education, as well as libraries.

The Board helps the Council to improve services through challenging policies and decisions as well as making suggestions to the Cabinet Members on how services could be improved.

View dates, times and location of meetings as well as details of the Board's membership and work programme. []

An up-to-date work programme can be found with the agenda for the most recent meeting. The work programme is usually the last item on the list.

Scrutiny Team

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5511 [tel:02476975511]

Business, Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Board (3)

 Rupinder Singh – Coventry City Council [], Chair.

To help economic growth and the future of Coventry we will investigate the work being done across the city to support business and industry, including jobs and growth. We will look at work being done to help encourage new businesses and for existing businesses to grow. The Board also covers transport links and infrastructure as well as climate change and sustainability.

The remit of the Board includes sports and parks as well as reviewing the operation and results of the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

Dates, times and location of meetings as well as details of the Board's membership and work programme for Business, Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Board (3) [].

An up-to-date work programme can be found with the agenda for the most recent meeting. The work programme is usually the last item on the list.

Scrutiny Team

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5511 [tel:02476975511]

Communities and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Board (4)

Councillor Maya Ali [], Chair of the Communities and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Board (4).

This Scrutiny Board is responsible for looking into issues including Highways and Lighting, and Street Services, including Grounds Maintenance, Refuse, and Street Cleansing.

The Board covers housing and homelessness, and engagement with the community and voluntary sector.

Dates, times and location of meetings as well as details of the Board's membership and work programme for Communities and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Board (4) []

An up-to-date work programme can be found with the agenda for the most recent meeting. The work programme is usually the last item on the list.

Scrutiny Team

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5511 [tel:02476975511]

Health and Social Care Scrutiny Board (5)

 Councillor Catherine Miks [], Chair

Health and Adult Social Care is going through a time of change and the Scrutiny Board is responsible for looking at all the services provided by the Council and the local NHS.

The Board makes sure services are set up in the best way to meet the needs of the people of Coventry. This involves keeping track of changes affecting the NHS and making sure services are dedicated to patients' needs and reducing health inequalities in the city.

Dates, times and location of meetings as well as details of the Board's membership and work programme for Health and Social Care Scrutiny Board (5) [].

An up-to-date work programme can be found with the agenda for the most recent meeting. The work programme is usually the last item on the list.

Scrutiny Team

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5511 [tel:02476975511]