The Disability Action Equality Partnership (DEAP) has developed and launched the Sports and Leisure Charter.
The Charter sets out a range of commitments designed to improve the experience and opportunities for people with disabilities and their families in Coventry to access sporting and leisure activities in the city.
The Sports and Leisure Charter is the third Charter to be developed by the DEAP and was launched this week. The Charter follows similar initiatives led by the Disability Equality Action Partnership, such as the Shopping Charter and Transport Charter.
The signing of the Charter at the Council House saw the Council pledge to ensure there is suitable access to sites from play areas to leisure venues for people of all abilities.
Councillor Christine Thomas, Chair of the DEAP, said: “This is such an important Charter. Coventry is a fantastic sporting city, and a city that believes in equality for all, and in making these pledges, we show our commitment to ensuring that everyone can enjoy sport and leisure in the city, whether that is through taking part or watching. These charters are made by the people who know what is needed so ‘nothing about us, without us'!”
Cllr Kamran Caan, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Sport, said: “This Charter will give people and children of all ages the power and confidence to enjoy sport and leisure in their many forms and will see partners across the city and region take a good look at how they support people with disabilities – visible and non-visible – and make things better.
"This work will improve the quality of life for many. It will support mental and physical health and the basic right of us all to be treated equally. It is about a city looking after all its people.”
Lord Mayor, Cllr Jaswant Singh Birdi, added: “We are known as an inclusive and caring city that brings all its many communities into city life and supports them to play an active role and enjoy the many gifts Coventry has to offer.
"Everyone should have the right to easy access to sports and leisure. That is something our city believes strongly in, and I am delighted that this new charter follows on from earlier work such as the Shopping Charter and Transport Charter to make Coventry a truly disability-friendly city.”
To read more about the Charter, visit the Council website.