This week is Learning Disabilities Week and to highlight this we are hearing from local people who want to make all of us more aware of what life is like when you have a learning disability.
Kirandeep Chahal is supported by the Council's Promoting Independent Living Service and is a health ambassador for Grapevine, an advocacy organisation in Coventry.
Here, Kiran explains what keeps her busy, and her role.
"I'm Kiran Chahal and I'm a health ambassador for Grapevine.
"I have just taken part in filming short videos for the NHS speaking about my experiences with health professionals to educate them with lived experience of visiting health professionals for a person with learning disabilities and autism.
"It is a local initiative working closely with GP's, dentists and hospitals and any other health professionals.
"We are looking at ways to make health passports more user friendly and accessible to all.
"The photo is of me getting ready to take part in my first video.
"I have also taken part in mock environments showing barriers to a positive experience for people with disabilities.
"This has made health professionals more aware and look at ways they can improve the whole experience.
More details about Learning Disabilities Week on Mencap's website.