National Pensions Awareness Week

September 2024

A week for raising awareness on the importance of preparing and saving for retirement.

Pension Awareness Week []

Know Your Numbers Week

9-15 September 2024

Encouraging adults to know their blood pressure numbers and take the necessary action to reach and maintain a healthy blood pressure.

Know your numbers []

World Suicide Prevention Day []

September 10, 2024

Promoting worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides.

World Sepsis Day

September 13, 2024

An opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against sepsis.

World Patient Safety Day [,the%20safety%20of%20health%20care.]

September 17, 2024

Increasing public awareness and engagement, enhancing global understanding, and spurring global solidarity and action to promote patient safety.

National Fitness Day

20 September

Make this the most active day of the year.

International Day of Sign Languages []

23 September

Celebrated annually across the world on 23 September every year along with International Week of the Deaf.

Organ Donation Week []

23-29 September 2024

Encouraging people to join the NHS Organ Donor Register and encourage people to share their donation decision.

UK National Inclusion Week

25 September - 1 October 2023

Designed to celebrate everyday inclusion in all its forms.

Inclusive Employers []

World's Biggest Coffee Morning []

29 September 2023

Support Macmillian by hosting your own coffee morning to raise awareness.

ICON week []

September 2024 TBC

A week supporting parents to comfort and cope with the stresses of crying babies

Speak Up Month []


A national campaign to illustrate the part we all play in fostering a culture where people can speak up and be confident they will be listened to.

Stoptober []


Encouraging the nation’s smokers to make a quit attempt for October and beyond.

Sober October []


Get involved in Sober October by going alcohol-free in October to raise money for people with cancer.

National Cholesterol Month


Devoted to raising funds for HEART UK [] and raising awareness of the dangers of high cholesterol.

Black History Month []


A nationwide celebration of Black History, Arts and Culture throughout the UK.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month


To raise awareness for the disease and to raise funds for research. Information and free resources to help you with local campaigns.

Breast Cancer Now []

Long-term health conditions []

Infection Prevention Control Week []

October 2024 TBC

Infection Prevention Control Week is about raising awareness for the important role we all play in keeping patients safe from infection.

Back Care Awareness Week

2-8 October 2024

Raise awareness of the problems back pain can cause, as well as prevention and treatments.

Back Care []

National Work Life Week

7-11 October 2024

For employers to show employees, and potential candidates your organisation has a flexible working culture and appreciates work life balance.

Working Families []

Baby Loss Awareness Week []

9-15 October 2024

Give anyone touched by pregnancy and baby loss a safe and supportive space to share their experiences and feel that they are not alone.

UK Malnutrition Awareness Week

9-15 October 2024

Raise awareness and understanding of preventable malnutrition in local communities and with health and social care professionals.

Malnutrition Task Force []

World Mental Health Day []

October 10, 2024

An opportunity to raise awareness and advocacy against mental health stigma.

Coming Out Day

11 October

An awareness day for LGBTQ+ people to celebrate being their authentic selves.

Bone and Joint Week

12-20 October 2024

Bone and Joint Week aims to help get people thinking about one of the most widespread and pressing health issues of our times – musculoskeletal health.

World Menopause Awareness Day

October 18, 2024

Raising awareness for women who are feeling lost and going through Menopause and need support.

International Menopause Society []

Menopause and the workplace []

International Pronouns Day

October 16, 2024

Seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace.

Pronouns Day []

International Stammering Awareness Day []

22 October

Stammering associations, individuals and groups around the world organise events to raise awareness of stuttering.

Movember - Men's Health Awareness Month


Responsible for thousands of moustaches on men’s faces. Aims to raise vital funds and awareness for men's health.

Movember UK []

Mental health in the workplace []

National Self Care Week []

18-24 November

Self Care Week is an annual national awareness week that focuses on embedding support for self-care across communities, families and generations.

National Stress Awareness Day []

2 November

Raise awareness, publicity and profile of stress and its impact, and reduce stigma while promoting the importance of wellbeing and stress reduction.

Interfaith Week []

10-17 November 2024

The aims of Interfaith Week are to strengthen good interfaith relations at all levels.

Anti-Bullying Week

11-17 November 2024

Anti-Bullying Week is organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA). The ABA is made up of anti-bullying organisations from all over the UK.

Anti-bullying Alliance []

Tackling bullying in the NHS infographic []

Trans Awareness Week

13-19 November 2024

This week helps raise the visibility of transgender people and address issues members of the community face.


Disability History Month []

16 November - 16 December 2024

A month of activity to raise awareness and support people with disabilities.

International Men's Day

November 19, 2024

Making a positive difference to the wellbeing and lives of men and boys.

UK Men's Day []

Transgender Day of Remembrance

20 November

An annual observance to remember those who have lost their lives to anti-transgender violence.

Transgender Day of Remembrance (GLAAD) []

Carers Rights Day []

23 November

A national day to make carers and the wider public aware of the rights and support available to carers.

16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence

25 November - 10 December 2023

A time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls.

16 Days of Action []
Domestic violence facts and support []

World Aids Day

1 December

An opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness.

World Aids Day []

International Day of People with Disabilities []

3 December

Since 1992, the United Nations IDPD has been annually celebrated around the world.