The Local Authority Bus Subsidy Ring-Fenced (Revenue) Grant is paid by the Department for Transport to local authorities in place of the Bus Services Operators Grant previously paid to bus operators for running services under tender to local authorities.

The grant may only be used for the purposes of supporting bus services (including community transport services run under a section 19 permit), or for the provision of infrastructure supporting such services in our, or a neighbouring local transport authority's area.

  • In 2022/23 we spent £3.8m on internal provision.
  • In 2020/21 we spent £2.2m on internal provision.
  • In 2018/19 we spent £2.8m on internal provision.

As part of this award, local authorities are required to report on how the grant was used and confirm that the award was used solely for the support of bus services.

The Department for Transport requires us to complete an annual survey setting out how we use the grant.

View our annual survey submissions [].