When a planning application is made we will consult with you in a variety of ways.

Before giving your views, you should take time to look at the application documents online [https://planandregulatory.coventry.gov.uk/planning/index.html] as this will help you to make a decision.

If you need to speak with the case officer, possibly about progress on the application, then they can be contacted by e-mail (details are available via the online planning record).

Planning Aid Direct [https://planningaid.zendesk.com/hc/en-us]offers a wide variety of guidance notes which are free to read and download.

If you have any other questions you can e-mail Planning Aid England at advice@planningaid.rtpi.org.uk [mailto:advice@planningaid.rtpi.org.uk]. Advice is only available free of charge to community groups and individuals that cannot afford to pay for help.

Building control

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 2057 [tel:02476832057]


We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 1109 [tel:02476831109]

How to comment on a planning application

Unless comments are received in writing they will not be taking into consideration in the determination of a planning application. You are advised to formally put your views in writing through our planning portal [https://planandregulatory.coventry.gov.uk/planning/index.html] (using the representations option). Written comments can also be emailed to Development Management. You must include the planning reference number on any comments that are not made through the online system. Comments received will be taken into consideration in the determination process but individual responses to queries raised in letters will not be responded to.

Only online comments will be acknowledged.

How to comment

Using our application search [https://planandregulatory.coventry.gov.uk/planning/index.html] pages and online map you can identify the application you are interested in. You can check any information supplied with the application and if it is still "Pending" there will be a "comment on this application button".

Personal Data

Before commenting on this application we strongly recommend that you read our data protection policy statement [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/25356/data_protection_policy] contained on our website and publishing your comment page. 

What can I comment on?

Planning matters include

  • how it fits in with the adopted Development Plan
  • how the proposal fits in terms of design and use with the surroundings
  • the effect on sunlight and daylight on neighbouring properties
  • the loss of privacy to neighbouring properties
  • the effect on parking, traffic and road safety
  • noise and general disturbance to nearby residents' land
  • ownership disputes

Planning matters do not include

  • personal circumstances or character of the person
  • spoiling your view
  • rights to light
  • devaluing your property
  • moral issues
  • covenants affecting properties
  • nuisance caused by building work

Anybody can comment. You do not need to have a direct interest in the application site or be a neighbour. You can support as well as object to a proposal. Remember that all comments received are open to public inspection and may be repeated in other public documents.

Anonymous comments

Due to the legal requirement to make comments available for public inspection, we cannot provide anonymity or accept comments marked ‘private or confidential’. In such instances they will be returned; where anonymous they will be destroyed.

Comments that include offensive, racist, discriminatory, threatening and other non relevant statements will be returned or destroyed as above and will not form part of the application documentation.

Planning appeals

If the application is subject to appeal, comments will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and may be published in full on their website.

In the case of a householder, advertisement, or minor commercial (shop front) development application, the appeal will proceed by way of a fast track procedure. Any comments made about the application will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further representations.


We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 1109 [tel:02476831109]

Building control

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 2057 [tel:02476832057]

Publishing your comments

Personal Data and Data Protection

Before commenting on applications we strongly recommend that you read the full details of our Planning Privacy Notice [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/planningprivacynotice].

The Data Protection Act 2018 requires personal information to be dealt with in a specific way. Personal data does not just mean the names, addresses and telephone number of an individual; it includes any information within a letter that would identify another person, which may not always be clear. When contacting us to make comments please take care with your personal information.

In respect of publicising your comments; we do not publish neighbour comments online although we may refer to them within the case officer report and redacted comments will be made available on request.

We will sometimes need to share the information we have with other Council departments, for example our highways team, and external consultees i.e. Highways Agency.

In the event of an appeal we will send unredacted neighbour comments to the Planning Inspectorate and the applicant/agent when the applicant makes an appeal against a decision.

If you change your mind at any time, you can let us know by emailing: planning@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:planning@coventry.gov.uk]. The council have one month to comply with your request to withdraw consent for your neighbour comments to be shared. However, in respect of Planning Appeals, please note that once your neighbour comment is sent to the Inspectorate and to the Parties to the Appeal the Council will not be able to comply with your request to withdraw the comments so you must notify us before the appeal process commences. Although the Council aim to control the data it processes, once the neighbour comment has been sent to the Parties to the Appeal, they will have viewed the information and there is no way of reversing this.


We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 1109 [tel:02476831109]

Planning Committee

How to make your views known at the right time.


We welcome public comments, whether for small developments like house extensions, or for large plans affecting a whole area. This explains how you can best make your views known so they can be considered before a decision is made.

Having your say at Planning Committee

Most applications are decided under delegated powers (by officers). But, where there are five or more written representations which go against the officer's recommendation, applications are normally considered by the Planning Committee [/planningcommittee].

The exception is where a proposal, involving an extension, alteration or improvement to a house follows our approved supplementary planning guidance 'Extending your home' [adopted in 2003]. In these cases, even if you have objected to the proposal, the application will remain as a delegated decision, unless you have asked to speak against the application at the Planning Committee [/planningcommittee].

Planning Committee meetings are usually held every three weeks on a Thursday afternoon in the Council House. The meetings are open to members of the public. Any written comments you make will be included in the written report if the application is to be considered by the Committee.

If you wish to speak at the Committee then you must contact the Governance Services Officer on 024 7697 2301 or 024 7697 2302 or email governance.services@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:governance.services@coventry.gov.uk] by 2pm, at the latest, on the Tuesday before the meeting. Governance Services are unable to assist with any queries relating to planning applications.

Please be aware that the Council’s procedures [https://edemocracy.coventry.gov.uk/documents/s23286/Planning Committee Procedure Rules.pdf] state that “Speakers will only be allowed one opportunity to address the Committee, irrespective of whether the application is deferred to a later Planning Committee. However, if material changes arise following deferment, or there are exceptional reasons submitted by the speakers to address the Committee again, the Chair of Planning Committee has discretionary power to allow registered speakers an opportunity to address the Committee on new issues.” and “A ‘registered speaker’ will be a person (other than the applicant or their representative) who has made written representations on the application to planning employees within the consultation period and has registered to speak with the Place Directorate.” On this basis some requests may be declined.

Once you have told us of your wish to speak, you will be contacted to confirm the details of the meeting. You will be given a copy of the officer's report.

At the meeting, the Chair will invite speakers to address the meeting for a maximum of three minutes each. Any objectors will go first, followed by those in support and finally the person making the application or their representative.

Read our guide to speaking at Planning Committee [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/23439/guide_to_making_comments_and_speaking_at_planning_committee].

How decisions are made

Every decision will be made after looking at:

  • whether it fits in with the development plan
  • the individual merits
  • any relevant comments from people consulted.

Your views are only one part of what is considered and may not be more important than other factors. In law the decision must be made in line with the development plan unless it is proved otherwise. Also, Government advice is that development plans should generally be approved unless there are significant planning objections.

What happens once a decision has been made?

Once a decision is made only the person making the application has the right to appeal - either against a refusal or any condition imposed. Neighbours and other interested people cannot appeal against the decision.

If an appeal is made then an inspector chosen by the Planning Inspectorate will look at the matter. If you commented on the original planning application then you will be told of the appeal and be invited to give your views to the Planning Inspectorate. Any comments you made on the original application will have already been forwarded to the Inspector.

Appeals against refusal of planning permission for householder development

If plans by a householder are refused, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, but there will be no further chance to comment at appeal stage. You will be told of this at the time the appeal is made and you will be able to withdraw the comments if you wish.


We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 1109 [tel:02476831109]

Building control

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 2057 [tel:02476832057]

After the decision is made

When an application has been decided, a copy of the decision notice is available to see on our Planning portal [https://planandregulatory.coventry.gov.uk/planning/index.html] along with any documents.

Once a decision is made only the person making the application has the right to appeal either against a refusal or any condition imposed on a permission. Neighbours and other interested people have no right of appeal.

Appeal process

Appeals against refusal or conditions in relation to non-householder applications. If an appeal is made then an inspector chosen by the Planning Inspectorate will consider the matter. If you commented on the original planning application then you will be told of the appeal and be invited to give your views to the Planning Inspectorate.

In the event of an appeal we will send unredacted neighbour comments to the Planning Inspectorate and the applicant/agent when the applicant makes an appeal against a decision.

If you change your mind at any time, you can let us know by emailing: planning@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:planning@coventry.gov.uk]. The council has one month to comply with your request to withdraw consent for your neighbour comments to be shared. However, in respect of Planning Appeals, please note that once your neighbour comment is sent to the Inspectorate and to the Parties to the Appeal the Council will not be able to comply with your request to withdraw the comments so you must notify us before the appeal process commences. Although the Council aim to control the data it processes, once the neighbour comment has been sent to the Parties to the Appeal, they will have viewed the information and there is no way of reversing this.

If planning permission is refused for householder or minor commercial development, any representations made about this application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at the appeal stage. You will be told of this at the time the appeal is made and you will be able to withdraw comments if you wish.

Detailed information on planning appeals from GOV.UK: Planning Inspectorate [https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/planning-inspectorate].

Start of works

Once the development has started or is complete, if you believe it is not in line with the approved plans or conditions then please complete the online enquiry form [/info/1003/planning_enforcement/1343/how_to_report_an_enforcement_issue].

Your request for us to investigate will be kept confidential and we will get back to tell you what action we will take.


We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 1109 [tel:02476831109]

Building control

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7683 2057 [tel:02476832057]

Guide to the planning system

We have attached below links to some helpful (external) websites and documents that explain what the planning process is for and how some of the more technical parts are interpreted.

The list is not exhaustive but may help guide you through the process of commenting on or making a planning application.

Plain English guide to the planning system [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/plain-english-guide-to-the-planning-system]

This guide explains how the planning system in England works. It is intended to give an overview only and does not set out new planning policy or guidance. We have done our best to ensure that the information in this guide is correct as of January 2015. It is possible that some of the information is oversimplified, or may become inaccurate over time, for example because of changes to the law.

The Planning Portal [https://www.planningportal.co.uk/]

Planning practice guidance is now available entirely online in a usable and accessible way. Important information for any user of the planning system previously only published in separate documents can now be found quickly and simply. You can link easily between the National Planning Policy Framework and relevant planning practice guidance, as well as between different categories of guidance.

National Planning Policy Framework [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-planning-policy-framework--2]

The National Planning Policy Framework seeks to make the planning system less complex and more accessible. It simplifies the number of policy pages about planning. The planning practice guidance (link above) to support the framework is published online and regularly updated. The framework acts as guidance both in drawing up plans and making decisions about planning applications.

Supplementary Guidance issued by Coventry [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/111/planning_policy/3600/coventry_local_plan_2011-2031/2]

This is often brought in after public consultation and can include; design guides, Area development briefs and supplements/policies of the adopted 2001 Coventry Development Plan.