High hedges

If you have a disagreement over the height of a neighbour's hedge, you should always try and solve the problem by talking to your neighbour before contacting us. You must have tried to solve the problem yourself before we will accept a formal complaint. Advice about the process is also available from GOV.UK: High Hedges: Complaining to the Council.

If, once talks are finished, you still want to make a complaint you can use our online high hedge complaint form.

Before a high hedge complaint is investigated, a fee must be paid to cover our administrative costs. This is currently £400. Payments can be made online or by telephone on 024 7683 1109.

Over the garden hedge

The right hedge can be an ideal garden boundary but the wrong hedge may bring problems. Use this guide to help you agree what is right for you and your neighbours - Over the Garden Hedge leaflet.

Planning enforcement

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street