Benefits of Liveable Neighbourhoods

Liveable neighbourhoods aim to look at the intended function of roads by stopping cars from using quieter, residential roads as rat runs, and encouraging the use of main roads which are designed for higher levels of traffic. Liveable neighbourhoods will engage with the community and look at traffic flows as a whole before designing any changes.

Liveable neighbourhoods are a great opportunity for businesses to get higher footfall and increase trade. Creating a liveable neighbourhood enables local high streets to become destinations where people enjoy spending time. This means that people want to stay longer, further supporting local shops and businesses.

Vehicle access will be maintained to all homes in a liveable neighbourhood, however, changes may be made to the roads. These changes could potentially include making a road one-way or stopping up one end of the road, meaning that it cannot be used as a through-road for vehicles. Blue lights services such as the ambulances will be fully consulted and involved with potential road layout changes.

There are many benefits to residents' health and activity levels in liveable neighbourhoods. By encouraging more active travel, reducing vehicle numbers and pollution, alongside creating a more attractive environment with more green space, communities will benefit from:

  • improved air quality
  • increased activity levels, due to better facilities for walking or cycling
  • improved physical health and wellbeing
  • better community wellbeing
  • reduced social isolation

Liveable Neighbourhoods - Bryn Lewis

Telephone: 024 7527 8633