Over fifty thousand children and young people attend schools in Coventry. Every one of them is unique and this is reflected in the wide variety of schools and settings that they go to. From nurseries to sixth form colleges, church schools, state schools and academies, the range of educational opportunities on offer is incredible.
As well as being great for children, our wide variety of schools and settings also provide a superb range of opportunities for the people who work in them. Whatever post you are looking for, whether you are at the start of your journey working in education or someone with experience looking for their next step, Coventry schools will have the right role for you.
What is absolutely unique to Coventry is the partnership of these schools and settings – there is a shared understanding that we work together to provide the best possible opportunities and outcomes for the children of our city. Whatever your skills, experiences and interests, Coventry will have the perfect place for you to take your next step in working in education.
Why school matters
In Coventry, we have the highest expectations for the achievement of children and young people. We believe all children and young people have the right to achieve their full potential whatever their culture or background.
We focus on providing high-quality education and opportunities now so that children and young people are set up to achieve the best possible outcomes in the future.
Find out more about the wide range of resources and services we provide for our children, young adults and families through our schools, libraries and learning.
Special Education in schools
In Coventry, we are committed to our children and young people who have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made. Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service provide information, support and advice for children and young people with special education need and disabilities, to their parents and carers.
The additional or different help/support given to children with special educational needs, is designed to help them access the National Curriculum. The Special Education Needs Code of Practice is a government document that provides practical advice to those carrying out their statutory duties to identify, assess and make provision for children's special educational needs. Coventry has a number of special schools that are organised to make special educational provision for pupils with SEN and available for children with Statements of Educational Needs/EHC plans and we have a number of Specialist services that are very specific services that a child or young person may need to manage their health issues. Specialist Services most often require the child or young person to have an Education Health and Care Plan.
Working within SEND can provide a very rewarding and satisfying career choice with lots of opportunity to develop.
Find out more about Coventry's Local Offer.
Keeping Children Safe in our Schools
Coventry City Council is committed to supporting schools to keep children safe in their environments. Schools and their staff are an important part of the wider safeguarding system for children. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play.
In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, practitioners will make sure their approach is child centred and should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child. No single practitioner can have a full picture of a child’s needs and circumstances. If children and families are to receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information, and taking prompt action.
Read the Keeping Children Safe in Education to understand more.