Tender opportunities - Information for providers
Registering as a provider
CSW-JETS stands for Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Joint E-Tendering System. This platform enables us to advertise our opportunities to suppliers.
A handy step-by-step video guide has been produced, detailing how to register an account on CSW JETS
Video guides are available for managing and accessing an account and locating tender correspondence.
Access the printable use guides.
If you already have an account and you have a query relating to using the E-Tendering portal including accessing or uploading documents, please send your enquiry to csw-jets@coventry.gov.uk for further assistance.
For all enquiries relating to specific opportunities, tenderers must use the correspondence tab within the E-Tendering portal.
Registration requirements
Registration depends on type of service and location.
Ofsted registration:
- Overnight short breaks – residential and family based.
- Childcare
- Residential camps
- Some group activities
CQC registration
For any personal care regulated activity
Local Authority due diligence
- Statement of Purpose
- Safeguarding Policies
- Training matrix
- Any other relevant policies
- Insurance requirements
Upcoming events for providers will be listed below.