Tier 2 Targeted Support

Coventry Alternative Provision

Coventry Alternative Provision has established the Targeted Support Programmes to provide specialised assistance to young people in need of focused support. This tier has been further categorised into two distinct offers; 'Insight' and 'Flourish' 


Coventry Alternative Provision provides specialised Social Development courses for six weeks, 1 day per week, designed to address specific areas of concern impacting student development. The team actively seeks new providers offering high-quality courses that address and raise awareness of prevailing social trends. Schools have the opportunity to apply for these courses based on student need.


Coventry Alternative Provision has developed the Flourish Programmes, which utilise therapeutic methods to evaluate students facing learning barriers that impede their educational access and affect their attendance.

These programmes are twelve weeks (2 days per week) and require a level of commitment from schools to provide a caseworker and attend regular review meetings. All Flourish programmes ust be applied for using the CAP Referral linked below, these will all go to the PANEL.


Referral considerations

Questions the CAP Review & Authorisation Panel will seek clarity on:

  • School has a designated case-worker (significant adult) assigned to the student ?
  • School commitment to attend review meetings ?
  • School reviewed and adapted the student curriculum / timetable ? (Tier 1 ?)
  • If other key agencies have previously been involved, have the recommended strategies been implemented and what are the impact/outcomes of these ?
  • How will the school create capacity to implement any suggested strategies from the programme?
  • (If appropriate) How does provision meet the EHCP requirements ?
  • Started an Early Help offer to family ? Gained consent from parents and recorded on EHM ?

(Discussion outcomes will impact on decision making)


Referral Pathway

  1. Multi Agency Application Form completed via CAP Website- Insight processed the same as Tier 1.
  2. CAP Review and Authorisation Panel
  3. Panel outcome document shared with referring school.
  4. If Approved the student interview can be scheduled by Training Provider.
  5. If not Approved CAP Support school by exploring alternatives.
  6. Application response processed and sent to School to confirm start date.