Welcome pack for Coventry Secondary Partnership
Welcoming the class of 2024/5!
Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP) have produced a starter pack that will support all staff when accessing CAP throughout the forthcoming year.
Please find the Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP) starter pack below;
In this welcome pack you will have access to the following documents:
- Directory 2024/5 [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/directory/129/coventry-alternative-provision-2425]
- Coventry City Council - school term dates [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/40690/school-term-dates-2024-2025-printable-]
- CAP Calendar [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7943/cap-calendar-2425]
- Contact details [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7956/cap-contact-list-2425] (overview)
- Systems Guide [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7587/cap-systems-guide-2023]- CLM and Datalocker
- CAP Code of Conduct (Students) [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7942/cap-code-of-conduct---students]
- CAP Code of Conduct (Staff) [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7941/cap-code-of-conduct---staff]
- Parent/Carers Welcome Letter [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7938/parent-carer-welcome-letter-2425]
- CAP Quality Statement [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7939/quality-statement-2425]
- CAP support and guidance
- Terms and Conditions [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/8015/cap-school-term-and-conditions-2425]
Please take some time to complete the Coventry Alternative Provision Survey [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/CAP_school_survey]
The feedback from this survey will be used to shape further improvements to our service and the data will be used in future quality reports.
Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP)
Address: Broadgate House,Broadgate,
Withdrawal process
Submit a withdrawal form [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/en/service/CAP_Tier_1_student_withdrawal]
- Step 1 - School or Training Provider have identified a provision/student that they wish to withdraw from CAP.
- Step 2 - School or Training Provider must consider the impact of this withdrawal on student achievement, health and well being.
- Step 3 - If it is the Training Provider who are requesting the withdrawal a meeting must be arranged with CAP and School to discuss prior to the official withdrawal form being submitted.
- If the School are requesting the withdrawal, we encourage a discussion with our Monitoring Officers prior to the official withdrawal form being submitted.
- Step 4 - School or Training Provider representative completes the online withdrawal form via the service website.
- Step 5 - Withdrawal form is received by CAP.
- Step 6 - CAP admin access the Withdrawal form and identify whether the request has come from a School or Training Provider.
- Admin also check if the student is being withdrawn from all provisions/days specific to that course and then proceed with the withdrawal on CLM and Capita.
- Step 7 - Withdrawal form is sent to the Training Provider or School, dependant on who has requested the withdrawal.
To withdraw a provision, the referring School or Training Provider must submit a withdrawal form and allow 5 working days for this to be processed.
Making a complaint
In the unlikely event that your school wishes to raise a formal complaint about the service received, please see the CAP complaints policy and use the CAP online complaint form.
CAP Complaint Form [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/CAP_complaint_form]
Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP)
Address: Broadgate House,Broadgate,
Change of Day Request
Change of day request form [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/CAP_change_of_day_request]
- Step 1 - School/Training Provider have identified a need for a student to change the day of their provision, this may be due to a number of reasons.
- Step 2 - School and Training Provider must consider the impact of this change of day on student achievement, health and well-being
- Step 3 - Both School and Training Provider to agree to the change of day.
- Step 4 - School representative completes the online change of day form via the service website.
- Step 5 - Change of day form is received by CAP.
- Step 6 - CAP admin access the change of day form and input details to CLM and Capita.
- Step 7 - Change of day form is sent to the Training Provider and School to confirm the change of date for student
Please allow 2 working days for this to be processed.
Safeguarding procedures
Coventry Alternative Provision recognise the importance of keeping our students safe whilst in our care. We do this by having a highly dedicated team of professionals who are trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputy Safeguarding Leads, who provide advice and guidance to the Training Providers.
As CAP lead on the delivery of Alternative Provision with Schools and Training Providers, it is important to maintain clear communication with the safeguarding teams within these organisations.
CAP Safeguarding Team
- Faye Parklen
- Donna Wood
- Jemma Walton
- Lynette Whitehouse
Reporting a concern
If you have concerns regarding any of your students or if you want to discuss any other safeguarding concerns, please contact one of our DSLs (details below).
Name |
Telephone |
Faye Parker |
Faye.parker@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:Faye.parker@coventry.gov.uk] |
024 7697 8343 |
Donna Wood |
donna.wood@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:Donna.Wood@coventry.gov.uk] |
024 7697 2062 |
Jemma Walton |
jemma.walton@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:jemma.walton@coventry.gov.uk] |
024 7697 6808 |
Lynette Whitehouse |
lynette.whitehouse@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:Lynette.Whitehouse@coventry.gov.uk] |
024 7697 1399 |
Please record all incidents of safeguarding on CPOMs
Effective safeguarding
It is important to remember that safeguarding and child protection are not the same.
Safeguarding is what we do for all children and young people to keep them safe whilst in our care. Child protection describes the policy and procedures specifically for those young people who are at risk of serious harm or have been seriously harmed.
As we are a collaborative service working in partnership with many organisations, schools and agencies, it is imperative that our young people are safeguarded and that all safeguarding concerns are reported in the correct way.
All providers have demonstrated how their organisation adheres to all safeguarding requirements and confirmation is received each academic year that staff have completed safeguarding training.
If a safeguarding concern or disclosure arises, CPOMs must be completed and relevant individuals alerted to incident.
These forms must be completed with accurate, detailed information.
The DSL of the provider should have made contact with the School DSL to advise them of any concern as soon as possible and information will be available on CPOMs
If a referral to MASH [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/31/children_and_families/2186/coventrys_multi_agency_safeguarding_hub_mash/2] or any other agency is required as a result of the concern or disclosure, provider staff must do this if they are the organisation raising the concern or receiving the disclosure.
We have provided a Helpline Directory [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/6285/helpline_directory] which was produced by Andrew Hall - Safeguarding Specialist for your reference if you are unsure of what support to offer.
Reports are made when an adult who works with children has alleged to have abused their position of trust within their setting, this includes both employment or in a voluntary capacity.
If you have concerns around another professional's conduct in regards to the safety of young people or children, this should be reported to CAP Service Lead who will investigate and gather information initially. For more information please refer to our Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) web page [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/206/coventry_safeguarding_children_partnership/2628/local_authority_designated_officer_lado].
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
The aim of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/mash] is to bring together key professionals from across the city to facilitate early, high-quality information sharing, analysis and decision-making to deliver quality outcomes for children, young people and families.
As a result, decisions will be made quicker and support targeted towards the most urgent cases. Indeed, more effective co-ordination between agencies will also lead to an improved service for children and their families, as well as allowing agencies to enhance risk management and mitigation.
Any concerns regarding the safety and welfare of young people must be reported to the MASH service.
Child Exploitation Indicator Tool
As professionals working with young people it is important that we are aware of signs of child exploitation and abuse. A full breakdown of different types of exploitation [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/37/childrens_social_care/2415/child_exploitation/3].
Coventry City Council's Social Care has put together lots of information on how to recognise the signs and what to do if you have concerns.
If at any time you do have concerns around a young person in regards to exploitation, you must complete the Child Exploitation Indicator Tool [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/6695/child_exploitation_indicator_tool].
Once this form has been completed please see below where to send it;
- if the child is open to Children's Services, please send the tool to the social worker and the Horizon team cse.horizon@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:cse.horizon@coventry.gov.uk].
- if the child is not open or if the professional completing the indicator tool doesn’t know, please email it to MASH mash@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:mash@coventry.gov.uk] together with a Multi-agency referral and initial information (MARF) form [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/Children_s_Services___Multi_agency_referral_and_initial_information].
Force Intelligence Bureau (FIB) form
If you have any intel, it may be vital to the police with ongoing investigations.
All concerns/knowledge must be reported via completion of this Force Intelligence Bureau (FIB) form [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/6694/force_intelligence_bureau_fib_form].
Please provide as much information as you can, only provide what you know or have heard, do not elaborate or second guess. If needed you can submit more than one form.
Your details will not be shared with the police team investigating the intel. Once completed this must be sent to West Midlands Police at fib@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk [mailto:fib@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk]
Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP)
Address: Broadgate House,Broadgate,
Quality Assurance
We appreciate how important it is for schools to feel confident when accessing provision/s through Coventry Alternative Provision. It is very important for schools to have a deep understanding of what measures are taken by Coventry Local Authority to secure safe and high-quality delivery centres.
Each year we review and develop the process used to measure the quality of delivery.
We have created this page for schools to directly access evidence of what Coventry Alternative Provision is doing throughout the year to maintain high levels of quality and performance.
Below you will find important documentation, which we recommend schools familiarise themselves with. These documents can also support any visits from OFSTED or other agencies.
Schools Quality Pack
- Keeping Children Safe In Education 2024 [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/keeping-children-safe-in-education--2]
- Quality Statement from Coventry Alternative Provision [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7939/quality-statement-2425]
- CAP Support and Guidance Document
- Quality flowchart - Explaining our Quality Process [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7625/cap-flowchart---quality-process]
- Terms and Conditions [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/8015/cap-school-term-and-conditions-2425]
- Coventry Alternative Provision Policies [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7933/policies]
It is the responsibility of staff within schools to ensure that you have accessed these documents.
Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP)
Address: Broadgate House,Broadgate,
Tier 1 - Universal Offer
Schools can benefit from a diverse range of over 80 courses available through the CAP Directory as part of our Universal Offer. Coventry Alternative Provision collaborates with more than 35 Procured Training Providers, delivering an array of courses across three key categories: Work-Based Learning, Curriculum Support, and Employability and Personal Development.
The Universal Offer provides schools with access to programmes designed to assist young people through various practical, supportive, and character-building initiatives. These programmes are carefully crafted to align with a broad and balanced curriculum, aiming to facilitate the attainment of accreditations where possible.
This tier should be viewed as a proactive approach to address the support needs that students may have.
Referral considerations
School considerations when making an application on behalf of a student:
- Does the student need a bespoke curriculum to meet their learning needs?
- Does the curriculum offer meet the students interests, passions and aspirations?
- How will the course / vocational qualification enhance the students educational journey?
- Would an application to Tier 1 provide the right support, at the right time, in the right place?
The duration of these courses may range from half a term to a full academic year, with provisions for progression into a second year as necessary. Coventry Alternative Provision accepts applications for these programmes year-round, without any restrictions on submission timing. Schools are encouraged to finalise a Commissioning Agreement as part of the application process to evidence why the programme is considered the most suitable for the student.
Submit a CAP multi-agency application [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/CAP_referral_form_tiers_1___3]
CAP referral pathway
- CAP Multi-Agency application form completed via CAP Website
- Application pack received by CAP team and reviewed.
- Application pack sent to the requested Training Provider via Datalocker.
- School to contact Training Provider upon submission to arrange the interview.
- Interview held and Training Provider submit an application response, which is received by CAP.
- Application response processed and sent to school to confirm start date.
- CAP process on systems and set up training record.
CAP student risk assessment
Coventry Alternative Provision provide a template Risk Assessment for schools to use if required. Download and print the CAP student risk assessment [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7575/cap-student-risk-assessment].
If schools continue to use their own risk assessments they must be clear, detailed and relevant with updated information upon the point of referral.
We will not accept any risk assessments that have been completed longer than three months prior to the point of referral.
Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP)
Address: Broadgate House,Broadgate,
Tier 2 - Targeted Support
Coventry Alternative Provision has established the Targeted Support Programmes to provide specialised assistance to young people in need of focused support. This tier has been further categorised into two distinct offers; 'Insight' and 'Flourish'
Coventry Alternative Provision provides specialised Social Development courses for six weeks, one day per week, designed to address specific areas of concern impacting student development. The team actively seeks new providers offering high-quality courses that address and raise awareness of prevailing social trends. Schools have the opportunity to apply for these courses based on student need.
Coventry Alternative Provision has developed the Flourish Programmes, which utilise therapeutic methods to evaluate students facing learning barriers that impede their educational access and affect their attendance.
These programmes are twelve weeks (two days per week) and require a level of commitment from schools to provide a caseworker and attend regular review meetings. All Flourish programmes must be applied for using the CAP Referral linked below, these will all go to the Panel.
Submit a CAP multi-agency application
Referral considerations
Questions the CAP Review & Authorisation Panel will seek clarity on:
- School has a designated case-worker (significant adult) assigned to the student?
- School commitment to attend review meetings?
- School reviewed and adapted the student curriculum / timetable? (Tier 1?)
- If other key agencies have previously been involved, have the recommended strategies been implemented and what are the impact/outcomes of these?
- How will the school create capacity to implement any suggested strategies from the programme?
- (If appropriate) How does provision meet the EHCP requirements?
- Started an Early Help offer to family? Gained consent from parents and recorded on EHM?
(Discussion outcomes will impact on decision making)
Referral pathway
- Multi Agency Application Form completed via CAP Website- Insight processed the same as Tier 1.
- CAP Review and Authorisation Panel
- Panel outcome document shared with referring school.
- If Approved the student interview can be scheduled by Training Provider.
- If not Approved CAP Support school by exploring alternatives.
- Application response processed and sent to School to confirm start date.
Tier 3 - Time-Limited Placement
Coventry Alternative Provision introduces Tier 3, providing time-limited support to our young people. This tier is divided into two categories: Supported Transfer and Refocus.
Submit a CAP multi-agency application
Supported transfer
The Supported Transfer process for Coventry secondary schools is designed to ensure that pupils who are at risk of permanent exclusion are offered a transfer to a new school. It is not an alternative to permanent exclusion. It is hoped the outcome of a Supported Transfer results in the pupil successfully transferring permanently to a new school OR successfully returning to their home school.
Referral considerations
- Is the referral linked to a one-off incident?
- Is the referral being made for persistent disruptive behaviour?
- Will the student be able to meet the same expectations in a different school? Rationale?
- Will the student genuinely benefit from a fresh start?
- Started an Early Help offer to family? Gained consent from parents and recorded on EHM?
- Gained parental consent for the referral to the CAP Multi-Agency Panel? (Discussion outcomes will impact on decision making)
Referral pathway
- Multi-Agency application form completed via CAP website.
- CAP Review and authorisation panel for Quality Assurance approval.
- Panel outcome prepared for Multi-Agency panel.
- Discussed at Multi-Agency panel.
- Outcome shared with referring school.
- If approved, school allocated at supported transfer.
Coventry Academy presents a time-limited intervention programme called Refocus, aimed at assisting students in identifying their needs and overcoming barriers hindering their academic success. This programme combines curriculum access with targeted interventions to equip students for a successful return to school upon its completion.
Referral considerations
- Has the school reviewed and adapted the students curriculum/timetable? (Tier 1?, Tier 2?)
- Other strategies and interventions implemented by school and the impact/outcomes of these?
- Involvement of other professionals and the impact/outcomes of these?
- Exploration and identification of contributing factors to the student needs?
- Student voice and perception of their own strengths and what they would like support with?
- Partnership work with parents and the impact/outcomes of this work?
- Engaged with EHAC, completed an Early Help Assessment and Plan, recorded on EHM? (Essential)
- Gained parental consent for the referral to the CAP Multi-Agency Panel? (Discussion outcomes will impact on decision making)
Referral pathway
- Multi-Agency application form completed via CAP website.
- CAP review and authorisation panel for quality assurance approval.
- Panel outcome prepared for Multi-Agency panel.
- Discussed at Multi-Agency panel.
- Outcome shared with referring school.
- Coventry Academy initiates onboarding.
Additional information - refocus
- During the initial seven weeks, the student will attend Coventry Academy for four days weekly, with attendance at their home school scheduled for Mondays.
- Transitioning back to their home school occurs during the final three weeks, known as the "Back to School Phase."
- Upon returning to their home school, the anticipated course of action involves the implementation of the designated plan and strategies by the school.
- Training will be provided for a designated member of the school staff to offer support to the student upon their return to the home school setting.
Year 11 Bespoke
Coventry Alternative Provision introduces our Year 11 Bespoke Programmes.
Our Year 11 Bespoke Programmes delivered by our Training Providers are designed to engage Year 11 students both at risk of permanent exclusion and NEET. It is hoped the outcome of the Year 11 Bespoke Programme will support students to engage in learning, manage emotional well-being and steps towards a positive POST 16 Pathway.
The Year 11 Bespoke Programmes are designed to offer the following for up to 2 days per week:
- Behavioural Interventions
- Mentoring
- Personalised Support
- Vocational Opportunities
- Academic Assistance
- Careers Advice and Guidance for POST 16 Pathways
- Emotional and social support
The following training providers offer Year 11 Bespoke Programmes [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/directory/129/coventry-alternative-provision-24-25/category/2751]:
- Work 'N' Learn (Work Experience)
- Lumen Academy
- MW Impact
- Intuitive Thinking Skills
- Outdoor Education Service
Referral considerations
- Does the student need a bespoke curriculum to meet their learning needs?
- Does the curriculum offer meet the students interests, passions and aspirations?
- How will the course / vocational qualification enhance the students educational journey? In particular, POST 16 destinations
- Would an application to Year 11 Bespoke provide the right support, at the right time, in the right place?
The duration of these courses may range from half a term to a full academic year. Coventry Alternative Provision accepts applications for these programmes year-round for Year 11 Students, without any restrictions on submission timing. Schools are encouraged to finalise a Commissioning Agreement as part of the application process to evidence why the programme is considered the most suitable for the student.
Referral pathway
- Multi-Agency application form completed via CAP website.
- CAP Review and authorisation panel for Multi Agency input and approval.
- Outcome shared with referring school.
- School to action the Year 11 Bespoke Programme Recommendations
NB: A reminder that Year 11 students are able to access high quality provision through CAP for 2 days per week for the whole academic year and up to 3 days (i.e. an additional day) per week for a maximum of 12 weeks.
Referral deadlines and Panel dates
Programme Referral Items |
Referral Deadline |
Supported Transfer Headteacher Placement Meeting |
Tier 2 Start Date (Flourish) |
Tier 3 Start Date (Refocus) |
Tier 3 -Refocus (for 7 October Start Date) Tier 3 - Year 11 Bespoke Tier 3 - Supported Transfer to follow normal process i.e. no panel oversight |
Wednesday 18 September |
Tuesday 24 September |
Monday 16 September |
Tier 3 - Refocus (for 4 November Start Date) Tier 3 - Year 11 Bespoke Tier 3 - Supported Transfer |
Wednesday 9 October |
Tuesday 22 October |
Monday 7 October |
Tier 3 - Year 11 Bespoke Tier 3 - Supported Transfer |
Wednesday 13 November |
Tuesday 26 November |
Tier 2 - Flourish (for 13 January Start Date) Tier 3 - Refocus (for 27 January Start Date) Tier 3 - Year 11 Bespoke Tier 3 - Supported Transfer |
Wednesday 4 December |
Tuesday 17 December |
Tier 3 - Year 11 Bespoke Tier 3 - Supported Transfer |
Wednesday 15 January |
Tuesday 28 January |
Monday 13 January |
Monday 27 January |
Tier 3 - Year 11 Bespoke Tier 3 - Supported Transfer |
Wednesday 12 February |
Tuesday 25 February |
Tier 2 - Flourish (for 28 April Start Date) Tier 3 - Refocus (for 6 May Start Date) Tier 3 - Year 11 Bespoke Tier 3 - Supported Transfer |
Wednesday 12 March |
Tuesday 25 March |
Tier 3 - Year 11 Bespoke Tier 3 - Supported Transfer |
Wednesday 2 April |
Tuesday 29 April |
Monday 28 April |
Tuesday 6 May |
Tier 3 - Year 11 Bespoke Tier 3 - Supported Transfer |
Wednesday 7 May |
Tuesday 20 May |
Tier 3 - Supported Transfer | Wednesday 11 June | Thursday 24 June | ||
Tier 2 approval (For September 2025 start) Tier 3 approval (For September 2025 start) |
Wednesday 2 July |
N/A |
Service Level Agreement and Coventry School Access
Coventry Education Partnership Brochure
Overall access
- Access to all tiers through a single SLA (Tiers 1, 2, 3)
- CAP quality assurance & compliance framework
- Support with remaining compliant when accessing Alternative Provision and preparing for Ofsted readiness
- Advanced SEND/Behaviour specialist training courses and sessions (in development)
- Access to CAP Multi-Agency Panel for quality assurance of referrals to Tiers 2 and 3 and oversight of the model.
- Exclusions / Behaviour Lead Officer – Oversight of data and support for schools
Tier 1: Universal Support
- Open access to Tier 1 Work Based Learning, Curriculum and Employability courses, qualifications and awards
- CAP co-ordination and monitoring via dedicated personalised learning and outreach officers.
- Includes access to 15 paid for QA Placements at Tier 1 & unlimited at Tier 2 as part of the SLA (course fees still apply)
- Applications can be made at any time
- No CAP Multi-Agency Panel referral required
Tier 2: Targeted Support
- Priority access to Tier 2 Insight and Flourish Placements, i.e. priority over schools who have not bought in (course fees still apply)
- CAP co-ordination and monitoring via dedicated personalised learning and outreach officers.
- Access to funded External Provider Mentoring at Tier 2 via the Youth Justice Service (YJS)
Tier 3: Time-Limited Support
- Exclusive access to Supported Transfer Panel (Providing holistic approach and oversight, enables access to other services such as Specialist SEMHL Team Key Workers)
- Exclusive access to Tier 3 Time- Refocus Placements at the Coventry Academy (CELC) x 75 placements over the year (Pilot)
- Access to funded Prevention & Diversion Project at Tier 3 via the YJS
- Access to an Early Help Supporting Families Worker at Tier 3 (if appropriate)
- Coventry Specialist SEMHL Team Key Workers
Tier 4: Transitional Placements
- All placements made by the Local Authority
- Coventry Specialist SEMHL Team Key Workers