Withdrawal process
- Step 1 - School or Training Provider has identified a provision/student that they wish to withdraw from CAP.
- Step 2 - School or Training Provider must consider the impact of this withdrawal on student achievement, health and well-being.
- Step 3 - If it is the Training Provider who is requesting the withdrawal a meeting must be arranged with CAP and the school to discuss prior to the official withdrawal form being submitted.
- If the School is requesting the withdrawal, we encourage a discussion with our Monitoring Officers prior to the official withdrawal form being submitted.
- Step 4 - School or Training Provider representative completes the online withdrawal form via the service website.
- Step 5 - Withdrawal form is received by CAP.
- Step 6 - CAP admin access the Withdrawal form and identify whether the request has come from a School or Training Provider.
- Admin also checks if the student is being withdrawn from all provisions/days specific to that course and then proceeds with the withdrawal on CLM and Capita.
- Step 7 - Withdrawal form is sent to the Training Provider or School, dependant on who has requested the withdrawal.
To withdraw a provision, the referring School or Training Provider must submit a withdrawal form and allow 5 working days for this to be processed.