Courses for adults with learning disabilities and difficulties

Welcome to our Active Learning programme. There are a wide range of courses to help you learn new skills for the workplace and/or improve your existing ones to become more independent in your daily life.

Course details

You can find information about the courses from our Active Learning Course information booklet, available at our venues at Broad Street Centre and WEET Centre, or by downloading and printing a copy

Details of how to apply for a course are on page 2 of the booklet. You will need to phone 024 7697 5200 for an interview, then download and print the paper application form or complete the application online.

Learning for Work

On this course you will develop the skills and confidence that you will need for work. You will have the opportunity to work with the Education and Skills Team. Part of some courses may be online. They cover:

  • Art & Craft Design
  • Catering
  • Empowering Wellbeing & Creativity (NEW)
  • Fabric Craft
  • Horticulture
  • Hospitality (NEW)
  • Music and Media
  • The Destination Station

Independent Living Skills 

On the Independent Living Skills course you will explore skills you need to help you in your daily life. You will study life skills plus three of the following:

  • Cooking
  • Creative Arts and Crafts
  • Cultural Studies
  • Gardening
  • History
  • IT
  • Languages
  • Music
  • My World
  • Performing Arts

For learners with complex needs, we offer two subjects: cooking and art. 

Also, some short courses may be available.

Adult Education Service - Active learning

Address: Broad Street Centre
161 Broad Street
Coventry City Council

Telephone: 024 7697 5200