Learning for work: impact statistics

Of respondents that answered a question regarding their employment status, 36% reported that they were in work at the time of the course; and 64% stated they were not in work.

Impacts on learners in employment
Learners reported that they: Strongly agree or agree

Considered the course helped them to do their job better


Felt the course had improved their leadership and/or management skills


Believed the course had helped develop relationships with people at work


Reported earning more, gaining a promotion, or taking on more responsibility


Felt the course gave them the confidence and/or opportunity to obtain a qualification


I was doing volunteer work while doing my course. As soon as I completed my course, I was offered a paid job in same place.

[It has helped with] Interpersonal relationships and confidence to speak publicly

Adult Education has really helped me to gain more knowledge and confidence which really helped with my job

I never had confidence to work in school however with adult education's help and support, I have built up confidence to work in a school.

Impact on learners not in employment
Learners reported that they Strongly agree or agree

Improved their skills, knowledge or motivation to find work


Experienced greater confidence in searching for a job


Had gained skills they needed for the job they want


Felt more confident about keeping a job


Had a better understanding about further training and support


Helped me access the Council's Job Shop 20%

It has made me more confident applying for creative jobs

I'm looking forward for seeking employment because I have gained knowledge and experience, I'm more confident

I am retired for now, but courses would be helpful if I was looking for work

I now have one year of work experience and better able to prepare for my working future

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Adult Education Service

Address: Southfields Old School
South Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5200