Use of reasonable force

15.1 There may be occasions when staff are required to use reasonable force to safeguard children. We will not use any more force than is proportionate and necessary.

All staff with Coventry Adult Education Service are trained to look after learners within their care. Where intervention is required to prevent learners from hurting themselves or others, staff are supported by calling the police and following advice and direction from the 999 Call handler. However, the Service recognises the changing needs of its learners, and has enrolled nominated staff from Study Programme courses (16-18-year-old learners and those 19-24 with EHCPs) onto specified courses to de-escalate potential situations and (or) minimise conflict. These Team Teach strategies for the specialised pre-emotive and responsive positive handling strategy techniques, are to ensure only those trained members of staff will intervene physically.

This is facilitated through our staff development policy, with further details of the TEAM TEACH approach found on the TEAM TEACH website.

The TEAM TEACH system is recognised by the Local Authority and accredited through BILD – British Institute of Learning Disabilities. Our Study programme staff are preparing to undergo level 1 Team Teach training and, both via online sessions and face-to-face.  Before using physical controls, we will take effective action to reduce risk by:

  • Showing care and concern by acknowledging unacceptable behaviour and requesting alternatives using negotiating and reasoning
  • Giving clear directions for pupils to stop
  • Reminding them about rules and likely outcomes
  • Removing an audience or taking vulnerable pupils to a safe place
  • Making the environment safer by moving furniture and removing objects which could be used as weapons
  • Using positive guidance to escort pupils to somewhere less pressured
  • Ensuring that colleagues know what is happening and call for help via the panic button and following trained procedure, where all staff are required to remain within their allocated rooms.

The Service will not use physical restraint until Team Teach training has taken place, instead they will continue to work closely with the Police and Mental Health first aid responders, developing relationships with local PCSO’s based within the Early Help Family Hubs, in particular the St Michaels ward:

Harmony Hub
Clifton St,
Coventry CV1 5GR
Tel: 024 7697 8030

Following a serious incident, it is the policy of the Service to offer support to all involved. This is an opportunity for learning and time needs to be given for following up incidents so that learners have an opportunity to express their feelings, suggest alternative courses of action for the future and appreciate other peoples’ perspective.

The DSL and (or) DDSL would expect to talk to staff, and learners involved (if appropriate) in any incidents involving violence. If members of staff need time to rest or compose themselves, then the head of service will plan for the group to be supported. All incidents of unacceptable behaviour should be recorded and all serious incidents or incidents involving restraint will be recorded on the appropriate form.