
6.1 All concerns, discussions and decision made will be recorded in writing and kept confidential and stored securely.

6.2 A written record of all safeguarding and/or child protection concerns, discussions and decisions made will be kept in individual children’s files. This will be separate from the main service files and will only be accessed by the relevant safeguarding staff.

6.3 Coventry Adult Education Service keeps all safeguarding files electronically, using a locally developed system accessed by the DSL and DDSL and an email account – - where referral forms are completed, sent through alongside DSL / DDSL discussions with tutors and learners accordingly.

6.4 Staff will submit all concerns in writing as part of Safeguarding referral forms to the DSL / DDSL at the earliest opportunity. This may be after having a verbal conversation, but conversations will always be followed up with the completion of these detailed forms.

6.5 In the event that a child or young person moves provider, the safeguarding file will be transferred to the new setting securely and separately from the main service file in a timely manner (5 days). Once received by the new provider, the service will not retain the information.

6.6 Coventry Adult Education Service will seek to hold at least two emergency contacts for every child.

6.7 All data processed by Coventry Adult Education Service is done so in line with the General Data Protection Guidelines and the Data Protection Act (2018). Please see the following policies for additional information

Adult Education privacy notice – Coventry City Council

6.8 Further information regarding information sharing and data processing in relation to safeguarding can be found in Part One of Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2022).