Our Commissioning Vision

Coventry City Council's Adult Social Care Commissioning Team strives to ensure citizens have the best quality of personalised support to feel supported and empowered to live as independently as possible.

The Council's Adult Social Care Department believes that all our residents deserve to:

  • Lead a healthy, independent, and fulfilled life
  • Be part of a strong community
  • Experience effective and sustainable health and care services

One Coventry Plan Priorities

  • Increasing the economic prosperity of the city and region
  • Improving outcomes and tackling inequalities within our communities
  • Coventry City Council's role as a partner, enabler and leader
  • Continued financial sustainability of the Council
  • Tackling the causes and consequences of climate change

Our Adult Social Care Objectives

  • Adopt a strengths-based approach and promote independence
  • We will work with people to ensure their living environment is suitable
  • Enabling people to live well and age well by putting them at the heart of what we do
  • Making the best use of all resources
  • Joined up and connected care and support
  • Keeping you safe
  • Carers at the heart of everything we do
  • Committed workforce

How Adult Social Care in Coventry reflects these values 

  • Improving and assisting with recruitment and retention in the adult social care sector by providing opportunities for diverse demographics of people in Coventry and adopting a holistic approach of support for recruits and providers.
  • Engaging with stakeholders using surveys, roundtable discussions, discussion groups and forums, meetings and events to ensure an informed perspective on the market and stakeholder needs.
  • Taking a skills and strength-based approach to the reshaping of adult social care to promote independence and enable citizens to live better and more independently for longer, at home if possible.
  • Engaging with a broad demographic of citizens to obtain a fair and equal image of the current services provided, particularly focusing on identifying and targeting underserved communities and promoting diversity and inclusion.
  • Improving outcomes by continuously conducting quality assurance visits to ensure that Coventry’s adult social care services are kept to a high standard to effectively support and empower citizens.
  • Implementing personalised support to communities to action needs that have been identified through a variety of engagement strategies.