
Coventry City Council and all its partners, always put children at the very heart of practice.

This is especially so regarding our looked after children and care experienced young people, where corporate parenting is a strong feature of all organisations. The Coventry Corporate Parenting Strategy is a key document that outlines the way in which all partners will work together to make sure our looked after children achieve positive outcomes. This is reflected in the One Coventry approach to delivering services to children across the city and our ‘Child Friendly Cov’ aspirations.

Children and young people in Coventry should always:

  • be & feel safe
  • have opportunities
  • be & feel healthy
  • be & feel valued
  • be & feel loved

Coventry City Council has a strategic lead for corporate parenting, with a focus on relationship-based practice with partners to enhance and build positive working relationships. Operational leads for each part of the looked after service work closely to provide seamless services for children, their carers and professionals that work with them,which includes the members who are part of the Corporate Parenting Board. This collaborative approach to providing services for looked after child means that they receive good quality services that promote their individual outcomes.