Coventry Pledge
The Coventry Pledge is a list of promises made by the corporate parent to all of Coventry’s looked after children and care leavers. The list of promises was created by a diverse range of young people, in conjunction with their carers and other adults who work with them and ratified by elected members. It is a fundamental part of the city’s commitment to looked after children across the city and is overseen by the Corporate Parenting Board. The Pledge was reviewed by the Board in 2022 to make sure that the promises made were delivered.
Outcomes for children improved with some examples as follows:
Fit for life
The annual survey has demonstrated that children feel safe where they live. Independence work has been reviewed and reinvigorated by young people to make sure that it helps prepare them for adulthood.
Your views count
Children are involved in decisions in their life through looked after reviews and all looked after children can have an independent advocate if they want one. Voices of Care have designed posters for councillors, social workers and carers about how they want to be treated by the adults in their lives. Children from our children’s homes have also produced a video of the A-Z of Social Work, highlighting how they want to work with social workers and ways in which they can feel valued.
Safe and Sound
In the 2022 surveys, most children and young people reported that they feel safe where they live and are happy in their placement. Any issues identified by children are responded to promptly to make sure they are and feel safe.
Investing in your future
A looked after savings policy has been developed and implemented. Young people and care leavers are offered a vast array of apprenticeships in the Council and with partners.
You can do it
The annual looked after celebration event and the care leavers awards celebrates all aspects of our children’s and young people’s achievement. The Corporate Parenting Board has been able to make sure that all children are able to participate in a vast array of hobbies and interests.
91% of children and young people (4-18yrs) in Coventry‘always’ felt safe where they lived - higher than compared with children (81%) in the general population*
Coventry cares about you
A life story practice guide has been produced and rolled out so that all staff have clear guidance on how to complete this important work with children and young people. Lifelong Links is offered to looked after children, to enable them to identify trusted adults that they want to remain in contact with and to create an ongoing network of support.
Children and young people who are unaccompanied asylum seekers are supported by a dedicated team of professionals, to ensure they receive the right support at the right time, enabled to build peer networks and engage in activities such as football & cricket teams
Each year looked after children and care leavers, are asked their views about how well the promises within the Pledge are being met. In late 2022 and early 2023, extensive consultation was undertaken with children, young people and care leavers to inform a ‘new pledge’. They identified a number of ‘asks’ under two areas: ‘What children and young people want’ & ‘what children and young people expect from professionals and carers’.
At each Corporate Parenting Board, we will consult with the children and young people attending as to how they feel we are or are not meeting these and gather information on how we can do better.
The feedback will produce an action plan, which will be reviewed at each meeting under the agenda item’ You said, We did’. An annual report will be submitted, to collate evidence of achievements, setting goals for the following 12 months. The pledge will be reviewed and updated prior to the next Corporate Parenting Strategy, to ensure that goals remain high and aspirational, continue to drive forward improvements, based upon what children and young people tell us and ask for.
Following analysis of this survey an action plan is developed which identifies areas for development. Individual issues are followed up for each young person where appropriate and themes are identified. This means that the voices of young people are listened to and their views inform service development.
The Coventry Pledge forms the basis of the looked after celebration event. This is an annual event which makes sure the achievements of looked after children are celebrated. This is very much dependent upon the needs of each individual child and is judged with this in mind. This is a high-profile event across the city and is attended by members of the Corporate Parenting Board, senior leaders, partners, social workers, carers and other people who are important to each child.