The Community Resilience Team works with individuals, small and large voluntary organisations, and communities to identify and build on already existing strengths and skills within neighbourhoods. Our aim is to give people greater influence and control over what happens in their communities and the area that they live in.

We can support by:

  • Offering guidance and support to help you set up a new community or voluntary group.
  • Give advice to existing community groups to help them develop and grow to help them become more sustainable.
  • Information on how to access funding, we can support with funding searches and support groups to write funding bids.
  • Help finding venues.
  • Supporting the set up and maintenance of stake holder groups within the community.
  • Share Best Practice within the voluntary sector.
  • Promote the great work that you do on our social media and web page.

We are here to support local people to take action within their communities for matters that are important to them.

We work closely with other agencies across the city including housing associations, public health teams and other council services, all of whom are keen to support the development of community groups and projects.

Keep up to date with our latest funding opportunities and activities by signing up to our newsletter [] or visit our Community Action page [] for latest funding opportunities and our latest case studies.

Community Resilience

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Setting up a community group

Our team is here to offer support to you and your group.

If you are starting up a new group and just need advice on where to begin, we have a selection of 'How to Guides' for you to refer to for some guidance:

and many more useful topics.

If you are interested in having a look at these, complete this form to request the how to guides []. We will be in touch as soon as we can to share these.

If you feel that you would then benefit from additional support, please get in contact with the team.

Community Resilience

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street

Community Information Directory

Are you looking to get involved in your community? Looking for activities and events in your neighbourhood? Looking to make new friends? Share an interest?

The Community Information Directory [] lists a wide range of groups and activities that you could become involved with, in your local area.

Alternatively, if you are currently running a group and wanting to advertise for more members, then you can advertise you activities on there. It is free and easy to register.

Community Resilience

Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street


If you are interested in volunteering for one of the services at the council, head over to the volunteering page [] to see what opportunities are available.

Alternatively if you have any generic queries about volunteering at the council please email us [].