The Council has a Cabinet and Scrutiny system. Each of the 10 Cabinet Members is responsible for one part of the Council’s services. The Cabinet meets every month and Cabinet Members hold individual meetings throughout the year. All these meetings are held in public.

Non-voting representatives on Cabinet

Representatives of opposition groups are allowed to attend Cabinet meetings and give their views on matters to be discussed, but are not allowed to vote.

There is a maximum of four non-voting members allowed – two from the largest opposition party and then one from each of the next two.

Member Services

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5555 [tel:02476975555]

The Leader - Policy and Leadership

Councillor George Duggins (Policy and Leadership) []

Shadow Cabinet Member, Councillor Gary Ridley []

  • One Coventry Council Plan
  • Scrutiny External relations/public relations
  • Chair of Cabinet/Management Board meetings
  • Emergency Planning
  • Regional Matters
  • West Midlands Combined Authority
  • Corporate Governance
  • Information Management and Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Political Management

See the dates, times and location of the Cabinet Member meeting and as well as details of the membership. []

Member Services

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5555 [tel:02476975555]

The Deputy Leader - Policing and Equalities

Deputy Leader - Councillor Abdul Khan [/councillors/34/abdul_khan]

Deputy Cabinet Member - Councillor Pervez Akhtar [/councillors/67/pervez_akhtar]

Shadow Cabinet Member - Councillor Julia Lepoidevin []

  • Community safety
  • Community cohesion
  • Public protection and licensing
  • Prosecution and enforcement
  • Democratic services, including Lord Mayor’s
  • Electoral services
  • Equalities
  • Legal services
  • Training (Members)
  • Constitutional matters
  • Domestic violence and sexual exploitation
  • Local policing
  • Media strategy
  • Events and parks
  • International liaison and diplomacy
  • Peace, reconciliation and twinning
  • Deputising on Leader Items

See the dates, times and location of the Cabinet Member meeting and details of the membership [].

Member Services

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5555 [tel:02476975555]

Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance and Resources

Cabinet Member - Councillor Richard Brown []

Shadow Cabinet Member - Councillor Peter Male []

  • Strategic finance
  • Medium Term Financial Strategy
  • Budget setting/transformation
  • External resources
  • Operational finance incl. revenues and benefits
  • Service transformation and value for money
  • Procurement
  • Human Resources
  • Organisational development
  • Key staff recruitment and retention
  • Customer services
  • Health and safety
  • Pensions
  • Digital Strategy

See the dates, times and location of the Cabinet Member meeting and details of the membership. []

Member Services

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5555 [tel:02476975555]

Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

Cabinet Member - Councillor Patricia Seaman []

Shadow Cabinet Member - Councillor Jackie Gardiner []

  • Children and families (early help)
  • Children and young people’s social care
  • Child exploitation
  • Young people
  • Youth offending service
  • Safeguarding
  • S19 Children Act 2004 Lead Member (Cabinet Member Children and Young People is designated as the Lead Member for Children’s Services as required by Section 19 of the Children’s Act 2004)
  • Fostering and adoption, Special Guardianship Orders and kinship care
  • Corporate parenting

See the dates, times and location of the Cabinet Member meeting and details of the membership [].

Member Services

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5555 [tel:02476975555]

Cabinet Member for Education and Skills

Cabinet Member - Councillor Dr Kindy Sandhu []

Shadow Cabinet Member - Councillor Jaswant Singh Birdi []

  • Post 16 education and training
  • Schools
  • Early years
  • Special educational needs and disability
  • Libraries
  • Adult education
  • Higher and further education (including universities)
  • Skills and employability

See the dates, times and location of the Cabinet Member meeting and details of the membership. []

Member Services

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5555 [tel:02476975555]

Cabinet Member for Jobs, Regeneration and Climate Change

Cabinet Member - Councillor Jim O'Boyle [/councillors/47/jim_oboyle]

Shadow Cabinet Member - Councillor John Blundell []

  • Economic development
  • City centre (regeneration)
  • International trade and inward investment
  • Commercial and operational property
  • Growth company
  • Urban regeneration
  • Transportation
  • Tourism and marketing
  • Sustainability and climate change
  • Social Enterprise Strategy

See the dates, times and location of the Cabinet Member meeting and details of the membership. []

Member Services

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5555 [tel:02476975555]

Cabinet Member for City Services

Cabinet Member - Councillor Patricia Hetherton []

Deputy Cabinet Member - Councillor Shakila Nazir []

Shadow Cabinet Member - Councillor Mattie Heaven []

  • Highways, drainage and lighting
  • Licensing policy (Hackney Carriage and Private Hire)
  • Public realm
  • Street services (ground maintenance, refuse (domestic and commercial) and street cleaning)
  • Waste management
  • Flood management
  • Environment
  • Bereavement services
  • Traffic management and road safety
  • Average speed cameras
  • Parking policy and operations
  • Information technology

See information on the dates, times and location of the Cabinet Member meeting and details of the membership. []

Member Services

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5555 [tel:02476975555]

Cabinet Member for Adult Services

Cabinet Member - Councillor Linda Bigham []

Deputy Cabinet Member - Councillor Dave Toulson []

Shadow Cabinet Member - Councillor Barbara Mosterman []

  • Social care for adults and older people
  • Better Care Fund
  • Transforming care
  • Carers
  • Adult safeguarding
  • Adult social care integration with health
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Digital exclusion
  • Armed Forces Champion

See the dates, times and location of the Cabinet Member meeting and details of the membership. []

Cabinet Member for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing

Cabinet Member - Councillor Kamran Caan []

Deputy Cabinet Member - Councillor Gurdev Hayre []

Shadow Cabinet Member - Councillor Marcus Lapsa []

  • Health strategy and policy
  • Integrated care systems
  • Health inequalities and Marmot
  • Air quality
  • Local health economy
  • Public health
  • Sexual health
  • Teenage pregnancies
  • Mental health
  • Poverty
  • Fuel poverty
  • Sport, physical activity and parks

See the dates, times and location of the Cabinet Member meeting and details of the membership. []

Member Services

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5555 [tel:02476975555]

Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities

Naeem Akhtar – Coventry City Council []

Deputy Cabinet Member (excluding planning policy) - Councillor Seyi Agboola []

Shadow Cabinet Member - Councillor Roger Bailey []

Shadow Cabinet Member for housing and homelessness only - Councillor Marcus Lapsa []

  • Archives
  • Arts
  • Heritage
  • Museums
  • Conservation
  • City of Culture 2021 legacy
  • Mutuals
  • Community and voluntary sector relations
  • Community centres
  • Refugees and asylum seekers
  • Welfare advice services
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Planning policy

See the dates, times and location of the Cabinet Member meetings and details of the membership [].

Member Services

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5555 [tel:02476975555]

Non-voting representatives on Cabinet

To ensure that the Cabinet are aware of cross party views on matters to be decided by the Cabinet, representatives from the opposition groups will be entitled to attend meetings of the Cabinet but not to vote.

There will be a maximum of four such representatives, two of whom will be nominees of the numerically-largest opposition group and one each from the next two numerically-largest opposition groups.

The current non-voting opposition representatives are:

Member Services

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7697 5555 [tel:02476975555]