FOI and EIR requests about schools, libraries and learning.
- Academies and Exclusion data
- Adult Education Services 2020-21
- Allergy-related statistics by local education authority
- Allocation of Finham Park school places
- Alternative education providers
- Assaults at public libraries
- Average Cost of Place at Corley Centre
- Barrs Hill School expansion contractors
- Breakfast clubs and after school clubs i
- Bullying and racism in schools
- Central School Services Team
- Challenges to library books
- Changes to lower age ranges for school
- Changes to school days
- Child employment permits
- Children and young people excluded from school
- Children in education settings
- Children missing from education
- Children not in receipt of final transition Education Health Care Plan
- Children receiving free school meals
- Children with Autism
- Children without a school place
- Clawing back funding from schools
- Compensation paid to students
- Complaints regarding schools
- Connectivity services - schools
- Coronavirus cases amongst school staff
- Cost of free schools
- Coventry school term dates 2000 to 2006
- Coventry Schools Agency Spend
- Cybersecurity Training for Teachers
- Dedicated Schools Grant and SEND
- Department of Education laptop scheme
- DSG outturns and EHCP response times
- Early Years Block grant
- Education authority Palestine guidance to schools
- Education data for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children
- Education Psychologists
- Education psychologists
- Education Scrutiny Committee
- Education, Health and Care Plan data 2021 to 2023
- Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
- EHC plan assessments
- EHC Plans
- EHC Plans
- EHC plans appeals
- EHCP and SEND Support
- EHCP Appeals and Tribunals
- EHCP timeliness
- EHCP, School Transport and quality of School Food