FOI and EIR requests about rubbish, recycling and waste.
- Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme
- Green, Eco and Sustainable offices in Coventry
- Guerrilla Gardening
- Gull Control
- Heavy Goods Vehicles
- HGV driver/Bin collection industrial dispute
- Home computer recycling data security
- Housing built in flood zones
- Illegally dumped waste 2021
- In-house ecological expertise
- Inspections on bodies of water
- Japanese Knotweed compensation
- Light bulb types used by Coventry City Council
- Littering fines
- Littering fines 2016 - 2020
- Littering from vehicles
- Local Air Quality Action Plan
- Mattress disposal provision and methods
- Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards
- Missed bin collections
- Missed bin collections 2012 to 2019
- Neighbour complaints
- Net Zero Carbon Emissions Scheme
- No Mow May
- Noise Complaints
- Noise complaints 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2019
- Noise complaints at CBS Arena
- Noise complaints from student houses
- Noise nuisance complaints
- Noise Pollution Reports
- Non authorised household bins
- Nuisance complaints
- Odour nuisance complaints
- Offensive graffiti guidance
- Office hydration and single use plastic schemes
- Park and litter bins
- PCNs for Dog-fouling
- Pest control
- Pest control
- Pesticide use by the Council
- Pesticides used by the Council
- PFR and BRG grant applications
- Plastic waste
- Plastic waste that has been shipped to Asia
- Pollution in or near Natura 2000 sites
- Polythene sacks and Wheeled steel and plastic containers
- Potholes numbers and payouts
- Public Register for Contaminated land
- Public toilets maintained 2019/20 and 2020/21
- Rat Callouts in Coventry