Generation CCC (Young Employees Network)

Genccc logo

Genn ccc values

Image above is four coloured boxes and inside the boxes states Generation CCC Values. 

The Values are :

  1. Connect: (Yellow Box)
  • Bringing young people together.
  • Creating an open and inclusive community.
  • Exchanging knowledge and experiences.
  1. Grow: (Purple box)
  • Supporting the professional development of young people.
  • Providing opportunities to encourage the personal growth of our members.
  1. Challenge: (Blue Box)
  • Providing a platform for young people to voice their ideas and opinions.
  • Inspiring change by challenging issues faced by young people in the workplace.
  1. Thrive: (Green Box)
  • Championing personal and professional progression through continuous learning and further development.
  • Maintaining newfound skills by using them to support other young employees.

About Generation CCC

Generation CCC is Coventry City Council’s young employee network. We were set up by young employees from various service areas around the Council with the intention of improving cross-council learning, providing support and professional development opportunities, and to promote the recruitment and retention of young employees council-wide.

What do we do?

  • Online events and podcasts, which in the past have covered topics such as apprenticeship journeys, wellbeing, World Youth Skills Day, and the career journeys of several council colleagues
  • Professional opportunities, such as our peer-to-peer mentoring pilot
  • Social catch-ups and quizzes
  • Advise internal teams on how to make recruitment more accessible to young people and attract talent around the region