About the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

What is the Coventry Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)?

Welcome to the Coventry Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). The JSNA brings together evidence about the health and wellbeing of Coventry residents, to help leaders across health and care understand and work together to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Coventry.

Health is more than the healthcare system: it is not just about NHS hospitals, doctors or nurses. Instead, health is about people’s lives. Indeed, people’s health is determined by their social circumstances, such as:

  • their communities; for example, whether they have access to a good network of family and friends;
  • their prospects; such as whether they have access to good jobs and education; and
  • their environment; such as whether they live in a good neighbourhood with access to green spaces.

These social circumstances determine people’s health and wellbeing, and therefore, are known as social determinants of health.

This JSNA contains a full range of evidence to provide decision-makers with an understanding of local people and communities. It contains a lot of numbers and statistics, because these are essential to show the trends of how things have changed, as well as comparisons with other places. However, because health is about people, this JSNA also contains a lot of evidence from local people and local community groups.

About this JSNA

The Health and Social Care Act of 2012 places a duty on Health and Wellbeing Boards to produce a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. In April 2018, the Coventry Health and Wellbeing Board authorised a move towards a place-based approach to the JSNA, with the production of a citywide JSNA analytical profile, plus JSNA analytical profiles for each of the city’s eight Family Hub reach areas.

This JSNA is produced in 2019 by Coventry City Council with co-operation from partners across the Coventry Health and Wellbeing Board and ideas contributed by 70 community organisations and over 200 residents.

Each JSNA analytical profile is structured as follows:

  • demographics and community;
  • prospects;
  • environment; and
  • health and wellbeing.

For each topic area covered, the JSNA explores:

  • Why is this an issue?
  • What is the local picture? How does it compare?
  • What is happening in the city? What else can be done?

In addition to the JSNA analytical profiles, detailed statistical data and evidence is available in the citywide intelligence hub. The hub provides tools to compare and contrast metrics and indicators of all kinds.


Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street