Coventry has over 400 buildings listed for their architectural or historic interest. These range from the medieval St. Mary's Guildhall to Coventry's 1960s' railway station.

View a map and list of all Coventry's Listed Heritage Assets.

Listing a building gives it legal protection, so that it can be preserved for future generations to enjoy. We also have extra policies to make sure listed buildings are protected, which are set out in the Coventry Development Plan. As well as these 'statutorily' listed buildings, we keep a 'Local List' of properties in the city that we believe are architecturally and historically important.

In this section you can find out about statutorily and locally listed buildings, and what this means if you live in, or own, a listed property.

Download and print a PDF of all Coventry's Listed heritage assets.


Address: PO Box 15
Council House
Earl Street