Manjit Rattan - January winner

Mrs Manjit Rattan has done a considerable amount of voluntary work for Asian women in and around Wyken and Stoke Heath.

She encouraged members of the Monday Asian Women's Group at St Paul's Church, to build their self confidence then taught them to play the Dholki, a traditional musical instrument.

She then set up the Subrang group, for isolated women of all ages, ethnicity and background, which meets every Thursday and has proved very successful. She also attends Gurdwaras in Coventry, singing hymns in her beautiful, soul-touching voice.

Manjit has been involved for many years with Coventry Carer Centre, supporting the service users and their families as well as the organisers.

Her greatest quality is the unconditional support that she gives to her colleagues whenever they need it. For many years she has helped to organise events like Diwali Day and A World Mental Health Day.

Manjit Rattan deserves to be named as a Coventry Good Citizen.