Improve health and wellbeing

Childhood obesity

Almost 40% of the city’s 10-11-year olds are overweight

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The recent trend has been stable in line with the national average. The family weight management service (Be Active Be Healthy) transferred to the new Family Health and Lifestyles Service in September 2018. A reduction in childhood obesity is a key outcome for the new service. The service is collaborating with partners focusing on prevention, early intervention, self-care, and the promotion of support within the local community. One example is the Start Active, Stay Active programme which is being delivered to early years providers. The team are working in partnership the with School Nurses who are also part of the new service, coordinating the delivery of One Body One Life (OBOL) weight management programmes following the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) being undertaken in schools. The service has seen an increased demand for programmes and uptake from families has improved. Outcomes from The Lancaster Model health needs assessment completed in Year 6 are also being analysed to incorporate learning into programme delivery and supporting the offer from the Family Health and Lifestyles Service to schools.

Smoking has reduced but challenges remain

Smoking status amongst new mothers at time of delivery for Coventry in 2018/19 has improved from last year and is statistically like England’s.

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In 2018/19 over 300 women sought support from stop smoking services to quit, 131 achieved abstinence by the time of delivery. In addition to these, 17 family members also achieved a 4-week quit as part of the service’s whole family support offer. Although the prevalence of smoking has been reducing, the number of women achieving abstinence from cigarettes at time of delivery from a Stop Smoking Service has remained consistent over the last few years. The Stop Smoking in Pregnancy service transferred to the new Family Health and Lifestyles Service in September 2018 and the service has contributed towards the recent review undertaken as part of Local Maternity System work which will influence the ongoing development of the service.


Diabetes prevalence remains stable                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Overall diabetes prevalence is still stable. A range of initiatives are in place to improve our approach to the prevention and management of diabetes. The National Diabetes Prevention Programme has been active since April 2018 across Coventry and Warwickshire and transitions to a new provider in April 2020. 

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We have continued to improve our self-care, patient information and education offer including a range of digital resources. We have held a range of diabetes awareness events reaching out to local communities and offering community-based testing and risk management, including events at local Gurdwara’s for World Diabetes Day in November 2019 and recruitment and mobilisation of diabetes community champions. We have also been working to improve our support offer for children, young people and their families living with diabetes.

Physically active adults

Survey shows 6 in 10 adults are physically active       

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The data is drawn from the national Active Lives Adult Survey by Sport England.
The city has a widening inequalities gap around gender and inactivity rates; women and girls are the highest group of inactive residents in the City followed by those with long term conditions. Coventry was the European City of Sport last year which offered wider opportunities and targeted programmes to address inequalities and improve wellbeing. New leisure facilities were also opened last year, and the Go CV scheme has been launched and targeted at every resident with incentives and staggered membership rates to increase engagement.

Year of Wellbeing 2019      

The Coventry and Warwickshire Year of Wellbeing campaign 2019 set out to raise the profile of local prevention opportunities and to encourage to take their own initiative to improve their own health and wellbeing. There were 4 themes for the year:
• child physical activity
• workforce wellbeing
• loneliness and social isolation, and
• celebrating personal successes                                                                                                                                                                                

Our Year of Wellbeing has enabled Coventry to prepare for 3 significant opportunities
• European City of Sport in 2019,
• the Coventry UK City of Culture in 2021, and
• the Commonwealth Games in 2022  

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It was a fantastic 12 months in Coventry and Warwickshire. So many people made pledges to be more active, work together more effectively, eat healthier and look after one-self better.
Building on the success of the Year of Wellbeing, the city is continuing to promote wellbeing through a new branding, wellbeing for life.

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Childhood injuries    

The city’s local safeguarding children board is working to prevent both unintentional and intentional injuries in children.

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Hospital admissions caused by injuries in children 0-14 per 10,000 appears to have improved since the previous year in Coventry. The Family Health and Lifestyles service which includes agencies such as Health Visiting and School Nursing have continued to work in collaboration with partners such as Family Hubs on improving this indicator through joint campaigning, raising awareness with parents and linking in with national organisations such as Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) and Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) to create joint action plans. In-depth data analysis has shown hospital practice accounts for the outlier statistics of hospital admissions caused by injuries in children 0-14 compared to west midlands region, data has been presented to Children and Young Peoples Partnership Board and the Coventry Safeguarding Children Partnership who are aware.

Conceptions to under 18s

Fewer conceptions to under 18s                                                                                                                                                                                                            Graphics 2019-20_Page38

Under 18 conceptions continue to reduce. The latest figures released show the Coventry rate reduced from 26.1 in 2017 to 21.2 in 2018.