Our vision

In Coventry, partners who work with families to support positive parenting have come together in order to develop the following vision in line with various policies to improve outcomes for families:

Together children and families are at the heart of everything we do

We want to reach children, young people and families when their needs first emerge and intervene when we can have the most impact.

Opportunities to give every child the best start in life and enable all children, young people and parents to maximize their capabilities and have control over their lives can be provided by intervening early so that collectively together partners can make a real difference to a children’s’ life.

The vision will be achieved by:

  • Ensuring children and young people have the best possible chance of being happy and healthy and achieving their potential through parenting support that is accessible and responsive to individual and community needs.
  • Supporting families from maternity services to school age and beyond, which develops nurturing family environments.
  • Parents feeling empowered in their communities to support each other and build capacity to encourage and promote positive parenting.