Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) are legal documents developed by the Traffic Authority which allow the Police, or civil enforcement officers in the case of parking restrictions in a decriminalised parking enforcement area, to enforce various restrictions and prohibitions over traffic on street. These can include: speed limits, weight or width restrictions, banned turns, bus/cycle lanes and orders which control parking (such as preventing or limiting waiting or loading).

There is a set legal process that has to be followed to introduce a TRO as specified in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) and the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure)(England and Wales) Regulations 1996. The process includes advertising the proposal by formal notice. A 21-day objection period commences the day the notice is advertised during which interested parties may raise objections.

Any objections received are formally considered at a public meeting chaired by the Cabinet Member for City Services. At the meeting, a decision is made to approve, refuse or change the order. If there are major changes the order has to be advertised again.

There are also Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders. These are allowed to run for a maximum of 18 months. The first six months allows people to see the effects of the scheme and to object if they wish to. Any objections are heard by the Cabinet Member for City Services and a decision made on whether the order can be made permanent.

Notices of Intent (NOIs)

These are used to advertise the proposed installation and/or removal of road humps, speed cushions and raised tables. They are also used to advertise proposals affecting controlled pedestrian crossings, for example, their installation, removal or change of location.