About The Key
The Key Intervention is part of Coventry SEND Service. It is a Local Authority-run intervention, delivered by the specialist teachers of the Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Learning (SEMHL) Team.
The Key offers a part-time intervention for primary-aged pupils, who are struggling to meet the behavioural expectations of their mainstream school, or who are at risk of exclusion. There is also a pathway within the Key intervention for pupils who have been permanently excluded from their mainstream school. The Key works closely with parents/carers and professionals to ensure better outcomes for pupils.
The Key provides a short-term, intensive and therapeutic approach to delivering education. The Intervention focuses on understanding and meeting the social, emotional and mental health needs of pupils, and supporting them to re-engage with learning. Through personalised plans and a holistic approach, pupils develop their independence, perseverance and resilience. Staff are highly skilled in providing a trauma-informed and attachment-aware environment, where all behaviour is seen as a means of communication. There is a strong focus on PACE and relational approaches, where all adults have a clear understanding of their role as co-regulators.
There are differentiated pathways within the Key Intervention to meet the individual pupil's level of need: These pathways range from targeted early intervention for pupils who are finding it difficult to meet the behavioural expectations of mainstream school, to a higher level of specialist support for pupils with significant SEMH needs. The Key uses the ‘My Support Plan’ process to evidence the provision provided and the progress the pupil makes.
All pupils who access The Key Intervention are on roll of a Coventry school. With support and advice from the specialist teachers at The Key, pupils access their home school at least one day each week. Pupils eventually return back to their school setting full-time with increased success following the specialist support received throughout their placement at The Key.
The Key aims
There are three main aims of The Key Intervention:
- The child - We aim to provide an intense programme of support to help the child to improve their behavioural responses and to understand their potential.
- The needs - Our specialist teachers complete a detailed assessment of the pupil’s SEMH needs and make recommendations of how best to support them.
- The school - We offer advice and guidance to the school on how to effectively implement the recommendations, to best meet the needs of the pupil on their return.
SEND Support Service - The Key Intervention
The settings
There are two Key Intervention settings within Coventry, each setting has places for 24 pupils. Each setting is purpose-built. All pupils are educated in a classroom which is very typical to that of a mainstream school, with access to a range of supportive break out areas such as a playground, kitchen, reflection room and small intervention spaces.
The Key @ Parkgate
This Key setting is based within the grounds of Parkgate Primary School, where we are very much part of the Parkgate School community. Pupils benefit from all areas of the school, they play on the school playground at free time, enjoy dinner in the school dining hall and join in with school assemblies. The Key @ Parkgate accommodates pupils from Summer Term of Reception, up to the end of Year 3.
This Key setting can be accessed via an entrance on Berkett Road, CV6 4FU. Please note, there is no access via Parkgate School’s main reception.
The Key @ Howes
This Key setting is based within the grounds of Howes Primary School. The Key @ Howes accommodates pupils from Year 3, up to Autumn Term of Year 6.
This Key setting can be accessed via an entrance at the far end of the school carpark. Howes Primary School, Palermo Ave, CV3 5EF (please use postcode CV3 5EG if using a Satnav).
Please note there is no access via Howes School’s main reception.
Timings of the school day
- Arrival Time: 8:45am – 9am
- Leave Time: 2:45pm – 3pm
Pupils are invited to wear the uniform of the school the Key setting is based at. Alternatively, pupils must wear:
- Black/Grey bottoms (no sport logos/ stripes or patterns)
- White T-shirt or Polo shirt (no sport logos/ stripes or patterns)
- Black Jumper or cardigan (no sport logos/ stripes or patterns)
Pupils are invited to bring a pair of slippers to wear within the Key Setting.
SEND Support Service - The Key Intervention
Meet the staff
The Key Intervention is delivered by specialist teachers and HLTAs, of the SEMHL Team within Coventry SEND Services. All staff are employees of Coventry City Council.
All teachers hold qualified teacher status, and have appropriate and extensive experience of SEND, particularly in the area of Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH). Many of the teachers at The Key Intervention hold additional SEND qualifications, and two staff members are advanced Team Teach Trainers.
- Marie Rowley - Co- Intervention Manager, Lead specialist teacher & Team Teach Tutor
- Dawn Neale - Co- Intervention Manager, Lead specialist teacher
- Nikki Dalton - Lead specialist teacher
- Rachael Hansford - Specialist teacher
- Hannah Brindley - Specialist teacher
- Tracy Muir – HLTA
- Alison Mesnard – HLTA
- Katy Moore - HLTA
- Vikki Patterson - HLTA
- Tracy Penn – HLTA
- Barbara Clarke - KSP (Key Specialist Practitioner)
- Ted - Therapy Dog
- Olive - Therapy Dog
In addition to the Key Intervention staff, there is a range of professionals who work within the Key settings to provide specialist support and advice.
- Jo Bolter – Play Therapist
- Debbie-Anne Sharkey – Clinical Psychologist
- Chris Jordon – Educational Psychologist
- Caroline Dyson – Therapeutic Counsellor
- Sarah Harris – Speech and Language Teacher
SEND Support Service - The Key Intervention
Our curriculum
Social and Emotional Curriculum
Social and Emotional development is the priority area of the curriculum at The Key Intervention. This area of our curriculum is highly personalised to each individual pupil. The teachers spend time to get to know the pupil and family, to understand the needs in this area and the root cause of those needs. A bespoke plan with individual outcomes is put in place, to deliver the most effective teaching to ensure social and emotional progress. The delivery of this will look different for individual pupils, some may access this within their small class environment as part of the daily timetabled sessions, others may receive additional teaching in small groups and some will access 1:1 interventions. At The Key, the daily timetable allows for maximum opportunity for social and emotional learning. Activities throughout the day include; morning meet and greet, breakfast time, assembly, social time, dinner time, PSHE, outdoor learning, therapeutic play and reflection time. Some pupils will access the support of professionals such as play therapists, therapeutic counsellors and clinical & educational psychologists to support their development.
The National Curriculum
In addition to the social and emotional curriculum, pupils at The Key intervention access the National Curriculum at a stage that matches their ability. As an intervention, our curriculum delivery aims to plug gaps in pupils’ knowledge and understanding within the core curriculum areas. Many of our pupils have missed time in education or have had difficulty accessing the teaching within school, which prevents them from moving forward with their learning. Teachers use initial assessments to plan for the half term ahead, ensuring that the pupils’ individual gaps are targeted. Each half term a curriculum map is created for each class, which shares the curriculum areas that will be focused on for the weeks ahead. Lesson delivery and expectation is then differentiated for individual pupils. This curriculum map is shared with pupils, parents/carers and schools. We use a weekly report that is sent to schools to inform the pupil’s home school teacher of the learning objectives covered that week.
Learning experiences
We believe that engaging, practical and out of the classroom experiences play an important part in the planning of our curriculum. Pupils engage more successfully in learning when it is meaningful or when they have been able to experience it first-hand. We take the pupils on many educational visits to enhance the learning that takes place in the classroom.
Over the last academic year, groups of pupils have visited places such as; The Zoo, Tamworth Castle, Art Gallery, Albany theatre, Snow Dome, Hatton Country World, Pizza Express, Cadbury world, Alpaca Farm, St James Church, Go Ape and A Victorian school.
We also use the local area of Coventry as our extended classroom, with groups of pupils visiting Coombe Abbey and other outdoor areas weekly. Outdoor learning is a very popular and valuable part of our curriculum offer
Each KS2 pupil will access swimming each week while attending the Key Intervention as part of their PE curriculum. Swimming takes place at the Alan Higgs Centre, and pupils attend in groups for a 30 minute lesson delivered by a swimming instructor.
Curriculum maps [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/8054/curriculum-maps]
SEND Support Service - The Key Intervention
Admissions and attendance
The admission process
- A pupil’s school requests a placement at The Key Intervention via the online form.
- A Pre Panel open evening is held, to allow parents of the potential pupil to visit the setting and meet staff.
- Pupils are observed in their school by a member of staff from The Key Intervention.
- The Key Panel is held, and a member of staff from the pupil’s school is invited to present the pupil’s request.
- The panel, made up of service leaders and head teachers, decide on placement allocations.
- School is informed of a placement offer
- An initial intervention meeting including parents/ carers and professionals is arranged
- A home visit takes place.
- Pupils begin a placement, with an agreed reintegration plan for their gradual return to school.
Who can request a placement?
Only professionals from the pupil’s home school can request a placement at The Key Intervention for a pupil, however the parent/carers and pupil views are an important part of the request. Parents/ carers are not able to request a placement for their child, if a parent/carer feels that their child may benefit from the Key Intervention, they should speak to the SENCO at their child’s school. All requests must come via the online request form. [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/SENDsupportserviceinformation]
Pupils who are permanently excluded from school will continue to be considered via the Coventry Primary Fair Access process (FAP) and may be offered a placement at the Keys to support their reintegration back into a new school.
Pupils attend the Key Intervention on a part time basis over 26 weeks. The pupils attend for a maximum of 85 days out of 190 days of the academic year. For the first 12 weeks, pupils attend The Keys 4 days a week with a Friday back in their home school. On week 13, pupils start a gradual reintegration building up from the 1 day in their home school each week, to 3. The home school works closely with The Key during the pupil's intervention, visiting on a regular basis and attending review meetings. A member of staff from The Keys will visit the pupil on a regular basis in their home school.
While attending the Key Intervention, pupils stay on the roll of their home school, and the home school continues to be the main provider of the pupil’s substantive education for that academic year. The home school remain responsible for ensuring the pupil's education, safeguarding and attendance are monitored. As documented within the Key Intervention Child Protection and Safeguarding policy, The Key will keep an attendance register of days attended and arrival and exit times for the pupil while they are on a placement. The Key will inform the home school by 10am each day if the pupil is absent.
Key Criteria
- Minimum age: Reception Year, Summer Term
- Maximum age: Year 6, Autumn Term
- Pupil's must be on a Coventry school's roll
- Pupils will NOT have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)
- SEMH must be the pupil's primary area of need
Graduated approach
Schools must offer Universal Provision to all pupils, to support social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) development.
Universal provision includes:
- A whole school behaviour management policy.
- A Special Educational Needs Coordinator.
- An inclusive ethos. Personalised approaches.
- Clear whole school procedures.
- Parent/Carer involvement.
- Solution-focused approaches.
This may involve the following practices and strategies:
- A positive classroom climate, focusing on praise and encouragement.
- Routines that promote emotional wellbeing, and successful transition.
- A classroom environment and layout that account of SEMH needs of learners.
- Active, engaging and meaningful resources & supports for learning available.
- Access to named quiet areas of school and playground.
- Planned/ targeted support from Teacher or Teaching assistant in the classroom.
- Action plans to meet need with regular monitoring of progress
- Staff who have knowledge and skills of meeting the needs of learning
- through training/ CPD.
- Trained staff to support pupils at unstructured times of day, such as break & lunch time.
- A well planned and structured PSHE curriculum, that is stimulating and effectively delivered.
Some pupils may require further support to meet their individual SEMH needs. This further support will come in the form of targeted provision. At this point schools may consider a placement at The Key intervention. A small number of pupils may need to be provided with higher needs or specialist provision to meet their needs.
Example entry level for a Targeted Early Intervention pathway
Such pathway offers preventative early intervention for pupils who are finding it difficult to meet the behavioural expectations of mainstream school. Pupils appropriate for this level of support at The Keys intervention will not have an EHCP and will be attending school full time. We will not consider requests for pupils in year 6 for the Early Intervention pathway, year 6 pupils who are already on a Key placement will return to school by the end of Autumn Term.
These pupils will currently be receiving some targeted provision in school, which may include:
- Identification of SEMH difficulties, recognised as special education need (SEN).
- A plan which is personal to the pupil which outlines specific, measurable targets with planned opportunities to monitor progress (such as an IEP/ Personal provision map)
- Reasonable adjustments to teaching and learning; such as simplified language, achievable curriculum expectations, practical & stimulating lesson delivery and access to resources/ learning support which is additional to what is universally provided
- Opportunity for regular & structured teaching to a small group by trained staff to work on clearly defined targets, reviewed often
- The use of strategies and programmes that are proven to be successful (Eg: precision teach/ thrive/ social skills/ ear defenders/sensory objects/ nurture groups)
- Adaptations to the learning environment which provide support for specific needs, such as individual workstations, low arousal/ quiet area, seating positioned to minimise distractions, removal of sensory overload
- Extra support from adults to follow consistent, regular routines and to prepare for change and transition – by staff that have received training which is matched to the learner's area of need
- Ongoing parentally/carer engagement and support for target setting and reviewing progress and strategies
- One off/ initial involvement from external specialists (Eg: SEMHL, CCT, EP) to gain advice and recommendations.
Example entry level for a Higher Needs Specialist Intervention Pathway
Such pathway offers an intense programme of intervention for pupils whose SEMH needs are so significant, all interventions have so far have been unsuccessful, and advise/ recommendations exhausted. For these pupils a continued placement in a mainstream environment is at risk, and this may include pupils who have been permanently excluded. Pupils will not yet have an EHCP but higher needs provision is likely to be in place in school, which may include:
- A highly personalised approach to the curriculum, informed by the SEMH needs of the pupil
- Highly structured routines, communicated with visual resources and prompts
- A personalised timetable that is reviewed regularly, which may include temporary withdrawal from some activities that are challenging for the pupil (such as assembly).
- Daily teaching of skills by experienced staff, that may address specific targets outlined in the pupil’s pastoral support plan/ behaviour action plan
- Priority access to an attractive safe space, and/or a workstation that reduces emotional and sensory arousal.
- A tailor-made environment/ structured activity at unstructured times such as break and lunch to reduce conflict and to support social interaction
- Access to a trusted key member of school staff who is available to the pupil (not necessarily a 1:1) to act as a secure base, this staff member should have relevant experience in being attentive, emotionally welcoming and understanding of need.
- Ongoing assessment, support and advise from external professionals (Eg SEMHL, CCT EP) These professionals may support and advise on the pupils pastoral support plan/ behaviour management plan/ risk assessment and plan, do, review process.
- When a pupil’s behaviour can put themselves or others at risk, the use of effective documents that are designed to inform staff of process in place should be agreed with pupils and parents, and reviewed regularly. Documents such as: positive handling plans, risk assessment.
Autism diagnosis
The Key is an SEMH intervention and while we are able to accommodate pupils with ASC, it must be noted that we are not an autism specialist setting and our service is not set up with autism as a priority. When considering a placement for a pupil with ASC, parents and professionals in school must carefully consider whether the presenting behaviours are due to SEMH difficulties or whether the root cause of the behaviour is an unmet autism need. Pupil's primary area of need should be SEMH for them to attend the Key Intervention. When making a decision about a placement for a pupil with ASC, the following points must be considered:
- Pupils will be attending two different settings each week, which means two different: environments, sets of adults, daily structures, peers and curriculum content. Some pupils find this lack of consistency challenging. How important is routine in meeting the pupil’s ASC need?
- Pupils will begin a placement at the Key which involves a new setting and a new set of staff, after two terms they return to their home school. For some pupils, it takes a long time to settle into these changes. How well does the pupil manage change and transition?
- Many of our pupils have challenges with regulating their emotions, which can sometimes result in behaviours which create high noise levels and distractions. How important is a calm and quiet environment to meet the pupil’s sensory needs?
Pupil Induction Documents
- Pupil Induction document [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/39801/pupil-induction-document]
- Pupil health and safety checklist [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/39800/pupil-health-and-safety-checklist]
SEND Support Service - The Key Intervention
The Key Panel
Pre-panel open evening | Request deadline | Key panel KS1 - 1pm @ Park Gate |
Key panel |
Intake |
6 November 2024 | 11 November 2024 | 3 December 2024 | 2 December 2024 | Spring 1 |
5 March 2025 | 10 March 2025 | 18 March 2025 | 20 March 2025 | Summer 1 |
30 April 2025 | 6 May 2025 | 13 May 2025 | 15 May 2025 | Summer 2 |
25 June 2025 | 30 June 2025 | 8 July 2025 | 7 July 2025 | Autumn 1 |
The Key Panel
- A Key panel is held as and when places become available.
- Only professionals from the pupil’s home school can request a placement at The Key Intervention.
- All requests must come via the online request form. [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/SENDsupportserviceinformation]
- An online request form can be completed at any time, the request will then be considered at the next panel date.
- The Key panel is made up of leaders from Coventry SEND Support Service and Coventry Primary Inclusion Headteachers.
- Please see 'admissions and attendance' page for information about admissions criteria.
Panel members will consider all information available to make a decision about placement offers and intervention pathways, this may include information from; request forms, professional reports, parent & pupil views, observation and exclusion data. When making a decision about placing a pupil the panel will consider the following; spaces available within the most appropriate Key class for the age and level of need, SEMH as the pupil’s primary area of need, a graduated approach already in place to meet the pupil’s needs in school, the current cohort of pupils at The Key Intervention.
Pre-Panel open evening
Many prospective parents/carers are keen to find out more about The Key intervention before they agree to a request being made. A ‘Pre Panel’ opening evening provides an opportunity for parents/carers and school staff to visit the Key setting and talk with SEMHL staff before the request deadline. Please send an email to dawn.neale@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:dawn.neale@coventry.gov.uk] (Parkgate site) or marie.rowley@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:marie.rowley@coventry.gov.uk] (Howes site) if you would like to attend. Both the Parkgate and Howes Key settings will be open for the open evening between the times of 3:10pm and 4:30pm.
Please ensure you have read the following information before attending the open evening:
There are two Key settings, one setting for pupils from Reception Summer term to year 3, and another setting for pupils from late Year 3 to Year 6 Spring Term.
Please come along to the setting that is appropriate for the year group your child is currently in.
Reception – Year 2
The Key @ Parkgate
Berkett Road
Please press the buzzer on the green school gates at the top of the road for entry.
There is no access to The Key via Parkgate Primary School main reception.
Year 3/4 – year 6
The Key @ Howes
Howes Primary school
Palermo Ave
Please come to the far end of the car park and press the buzzer on The Key gate for entry.
There is no access to The Key via Howes Primary School reception. There will be no parking available in the school staff car park, please use pedestrian entrance.
SEND Support Service - The Key Intervention
Keys Outreach
Schools can seek advice from their link SEMH teacher to support with SEMH needs in their setting. The Keys offer next step support through outreach to schools who may require additional support. This is a traded service and can be requested at any point throughout the academic year.
There are two options for keys outreach:
KSP Support
This support will be agreed through an initial planning meeting. The focus of the KSP work is to provide HLTA support that is bespoke to the needs of the pupil. This support will look to meet the needs of the child at their stage and circumstances and will rely on a play-based programme with outcomes and experiences agreed by the school, pupil and parents. Support can range from Activity Time, Walk and Story with Olive the Therapy Dog, Drawing and Talking Therapy and one to one support meeting the child where they are at. Alongside the support given to the child the HLTA will work with others in school to model and provide advice to support the needs of the pupil, as well as work with family members as part of a holistic approach to success.
Specialist Teacher Support
The Keys specialist teacher will begin the support with a planning meeting to discuss the individual needs of the school and the pupil with the most appropriate adult in school. During this planning meeting the needs and direction of the support will be identified and agreed. The specialist teacher will then plan and deliver the agreed support within a given timescale.
Support offered is pertinent and individual to the needs of the school and pupil and can range from staff training, observation and advice, risk assessments, Personal Handling Plans and working directly with the pupil.
If you would like more information or would like to request outreach support please contact Dawn Neale
Telephone: 024 7527 8660
Email: Dawn.neale@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:Dawn.neale@coventry.gov.uk]
SEND Support Service - The Key Intervention
At The Key Intervention it is everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe and create a culture of vigilance.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding (DDSL) have received appropriate DSL training and continue to receive updates on training as required.
All SEMHL staff receive annual safeguarding training, along with regular updates as part of the staff CPD programme.
All Coventry SEND service staff have enhanced DBS checks, these are renewed as appropriate.
Coventry SEND service follow Coventry City Council's safer recruitment policy and senior leaders have attended Safer Recruitment Training.
The Key Intervention sites are maintained by Coventry City Council and all health and safety checks are completed as per council policy.
Annual safeguarding monitoring visits take place from Coventry’s Safeguarding In Education Adviser.
The Key Intervention is covered under the Local Authority’s SEND Service Public Liability Insurance.
Concerned about a pupil?
If you are concerned about a child at the Key Intervention, please speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team.
Safeguarding team
Photo | Role |
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Mrs Rowley, Designated Safeguard Lead |
Photo | Role |
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Miss Neale, Designated Safeguard Lead |
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Miss Dalton, Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead |
School’s responsibility
All pupils who access The Key Intervention are on the roll of a Coventry school. While a pupil is on a placement, the overall responsibility for monitoring of safeguarding remains with the home school.
It is the school’s responsibility to ensure;
- The DSL has visited The Key Intervention before the pupil begins their placement.
- They have received, read, and understood the Key Intervention Child Protection and Safeguarding policy
- A member of staff visits the pupil at The Key Intervention each half term.
- The DSL Communicates any safeguarding updates about individual pupils to the DSL at The Key while the pupil is on a placement
- Invites to any social care or early help meetings are shared with the DSL at The Key Intervention
- The DSL continues to monitor, follow up and action any safeguarding concerns that are raised during the pupil’s placement at The Key Intervention.
As documented in the Key Intervention Child Protection and Safeguarding policy: When a safeguarding concern is raised about a pupil at The Key Intervention, a lilac ‘concern’ form is completed and handed to the DSL the same day.
The DSL at The Key will make contact with the home school’s DSL the same day to inform them of the concern and the action taken. The Lilac concern form is then sent to the school’s DSL via the secure mailing system, Data locker.
Safeguarding support
- Designated Safeguarding Lead (Park Gate site): Miss Neale dawn.neale@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:dawn.neale@coventry.gov.uk]
- Designated Safeguarding Lead: (Howes site) Miss Rowley marie.rowley@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:marie.rowley@coventry.gov.uk]
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Nicola Dalton and Rajinder Phagura
- Early Help Assessment Co-ordinator: Kerrie Holdback kerrie.holdback@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:kerrie.holdback@coventry.gov.uk]
- Local Authority designated officer: Lado@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:Lado@coventry.gov.uk]
- MASH: MASH@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:MASH@coventry.gov.uk] or 024 7678 8555
- MASH Education Representative: Claire McElroy claire.mcelroy@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:claire.mcelroy@coventry.gov.uk]
- Prevent: Prevent@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:Prevent@coventry.gov.uk]
- Emergency Duty Team: 024 7683 2222
SEND Support Service - The Key Intervention
Policies and documents for schools
View our current policies [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/download/7697/semhl-policies-2023-2024]
Assurance letter [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/39821/semhl-assurance-letter]
SEND Support Service - The Key Intervention
Parent/Carer events and support
- Coffee morning February 2024 [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/41518/coffee-morning-feb-24]
- Parent workshop, Family Thrive, Spring 24 [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/41522/parent-workshop-family-thrive-spring-24]
- Coffee morning December 2023 [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/41519/coffee-morning-dec-23]
- Coffee morning June 2023 [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/41520/coffee-morning-june-23]
- Coffee morning May 2023 [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/41521/coffee-morning-may-23]
SEND Support Service - The Key Intervention
Newsletters and updates
- Newsletter Autumn term 2023 [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/41524/newsletter-autumn-term-2023]
- Newsletter Summer term 2023 [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/41523/newsletter-summer-term-2023]
- Key Autumn Term 2024 Newsletter [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/downloads/file/44224/newsletter-autumn-term-2024]