Dyslexia pathway
Monitor progress
If the pupil is falling behind age-related expectations in literacy, there will be an intervention by the class teacher. Progress will be reviewed on a half-termly basis. If the pupil remains a concern, a skills assessment will take place.
Skills assessment
A further assessment within the school will be monitored by SENCO. The school will implement the agreed actions. Then there will be a review(s) of progress.
If the pupil makes good progress from this point, the school will monitor progress.
If the pupil remains a concern, a comprehensive assessment will begin.
Comprehensive assessment
There will be an assessment by EP or SEMH&L Team. The school will implement the agreed actions and will complete review(s) of progress at follow-up assessments.
If Dyslexia is not identified, the child may be signposted to other agencies who can support or may be referred for a skills assessment.
If Dyslexia is identified, the child/parents will be signposted to other agencies who can support.