Principle D: Determining the interventions necessary to optimise the achievement of the intended outcomes
1. Identifying the right course of action
Decision making reports contain information on the options considered which includes outlining the impact of doing nothing. Financial and legal implications are explained, and the reports contain information on how the work contributes to the One Coventry Plan as well as how risks are managed. The report also includes information on the impact on equalities, including the identification any groups that the decision may have an impact on (including a positive impact) and how any potential adverse impacts on groups will be mitigated. The implications of decisions on climate change, the environment and partners are also outlined in decision making reports.
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) brings together evidence about the health and wellbeing of Coventry residents to help inform the right course of action. This information is used by the Council and health partners to enable us to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of Coventry residents.
There are Procurement Boards and Panels who use the information provided to make informed decisions when we purchase goods and services. This includes considering the Social Value and Sustainability Policy when deciding who to buy our goods and services from.
The One Coventry Policy Forum has been established to provide a collaborative approach, to work to ensure they are complementary. This includes peer challenge and oversight of policies across the council, This helps to ensure we are working as One Coventry to identify the right course of action to collectively achieve our objectives.
2. Planning action
The Council has a One Coventry Plan Performance Management Framework which helps us ensure we achieve what we aim to do. It does so by setting out how we plan and organise our resources to achieve the things we want to do – our vision and priorities, as set out in the One Coventry Plan. By aligning our resources, actions and activities to the Council’s vision, priorities and desired outcomes, it helps us measure how public money is turned into results.
3. Maximising outcomes
MTFS (Medium Term Financial Strategy) sets out how we plan to manage our finances for the next three years and how we can closely align resources to the priorities set in the One Coventry Plan. This plan is refreshed annually and considered by Scrutiny, Cabinet and Council.