At Coventry City Council our vision is to embed a social value ethos across the whole organisation. We recognise that embedding social value within our services will align with the council's One Coventry Plan and Core Values.

Decisions that the council makes have wider implications for society and the environment at a local and global level whether it is the goods we purchase, the services we commission from others, or influencing the way we and our partners work. Our Social Value and Sustainability Policy framework will make a big difference to people’s lives and will help to address environmental, economic, and social issues impacting our city.

Social Value and Sustainability Policy []

By encouraging Social Value we can drive change in the city to provide equal opportunities and tackle economic inequality, fight climate change, improve health and wellbeing, support local businesses and sustainable procurement, ensuring that the city receives maximum benefit.

Social Value allows us to share the benefits of our goods/services and works with residents, local businesses, and communities to increase the economic prosperity of the city, improve outcomes and tackle inequalities within our communities.

Our aim is to ensure that we provide real placed-based benefits that are meaningful, appropriate and proportionate to the city and the communities and residents within it.