Coventry rivers and drainage

There are two main principle rivers across Coventry – the River Sowe and the River Sherbourne.

A main river is defined by the Environment Agency as appearing on the statutory main river maps held by the Environment Agency and the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

  • The River Sowe is largely classified as Main River through Coventry and drains the eastern side of the city.
  • The River Sherbourne is the principle river running through Coventry with an 8-10km length upstream of the city centre where it is culverted for approximately 1.7km.

There are also seven local brooks such as Canley Brook, Withy Brook and Guphill Brook that drain the city. There are also other watercourses including the Radford, Springfield and Hall Brooks, which were mostly diverted into culverts by Coventry City Council.

The surface water drainage of the city is by a combination of Severn Trent Water owned sewers and highway drains, ranging in size from small local sewer systems up to main valley trunk sewers.

Flood Risk Management Officer

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Address: 259 London Road
Whitley Depot

Telephone: 08085 834333